
Try the Swiss law on speeding in exotics. On a side note, for those who said they should go to a circuit. It's entirely different from a track. Going 60mph on residential roads is more fun than 150mph on a track.

Ray if you half bent your knees when Vinny does the pouncing act, he'll go crazy .... Vinny's trying to play ...

Kudos for the digging. But I still cannot let go the fact that Jalopnik, one of the few car blogs that really knows its stuffs and the entire car culture/industry thingy surrounding it, delve into this new Lotus 'issue' while knowing at the back of the head that THIS will be the answer after all.

@jackslackofselfrespect: But the iphone's multi-touch spawned a new age of simple gaming that brought an unprecedented new audience to gaming. Gamers would play angry bird, non gamers would also play angry bird. Bird pawns Zombies in this case. I for one, had the PS and PS3 and did quite a bit of PC gaming, but my

@ttringle: Perhaps because they hadn't happen. Wait till they caught one. It's the same thing, the pat down search was meant to safe lives on a totally disproportionate level. I don't agree with it, but I'd request for a female agent because I can't stand having guys touching me. So I'll just take it as a two second

People don't complain when they pay their doctors to touch their balls. While I believe bladder guy here can make an official complain or a lawsuit, other's reactions are just overtly blown out of proportion thanks to the media coverage.

@BtheD19: In the 90s, Porsche was on the brink of bankruptcy. They make good sports cars, single minded rear engine sports cars. Today? They have all the means of embarking on different experiments of engineering feats meant to make better and faster cars. You'd think they have the capability of that racing lab called

The point is, everyone loves glorifying underdogs. The fact that only a few knew what deserves to be loved by products that were stubbornly designed and sold to equally stubborn supporters has always been seen as a 'cool' thing to know, to talk about, and to 'honor'.

@saltwater: love doing that.. and i'd always yell 'real driving simulator my ass' whenever i did that

@It shoulda had a V8: as much as people complain nascar only turns left ... i think its friggin impossible to overtake on a circuit like that ... crazy stuff there

We can thank all this ridiculousness with the media's infatuation with terrorist threats and not the thousands killed each day by car accidents.

Crap 'answers to questions no one asked' are cars that were made to trick people into believing their marketing ploys. Which for the sake of 'selling', you're actually getting less than what you paid for. Case in point would be the X6, an identical car to the X5, less rear headroom, less cargo area, less passenger

Since when Iranians hated Americans? From what I saw, it was Bush's office who suddenly point the gun at Iran diverting attention. Of course, the US media poured in, like this post does.

That's malaysia. And to know that a F430 costs $600,000 USD there just kinda ....

I do pity them at times. It's like going 'klapaucius' on Sims. You'll start doing crazy stuffs when nothing much seems to bring you sense of satisfaction.

The reason this car was made:

@pj134: When arguing about the feasibility in the design of these vehicles, you cannot add in anomalies such as during a crash.

@wolfy- Is getting a e30 before nurburgring!: Well, the same can be applied, just imagine you thought you've got a pretty good deal of a decent E30 where you can embark on your project for $1,000; assuring you this is the last E30 they had and upon collecting your car, you saw them dropping in a E30 M3 with a price

This is what happened back in year 2003 December 30th:

@Platypus Man: Whoah. It's like, it is the programmer's privilege to have you play. I mean, aren't consumers spoilt to a stage where we can accept typing "yeah, ok, sure." and get charged $0.10 cents for it and we felt ok. Yet a game that was developed, coded and refined, using time, money and all to develop, was too