
@Platypus Man: What? Android need not pay for it but comes with ads?

@Haruspex: gosh... did my memory fail me?

@Haruspex: But nice link! thanks!

@Haruspex: Nope. It doesn't work with our Japanese system. I'm from Asia though. Ours is ← ← → → abab :)

The new iMissile from Cupertino, where you can have all the fun of prepping it up and launching it while it automagically disappears without the need or worry of harmful debris falling from the sky.

A Star for everyone who knows what happens after this:

I was at the race, the GT3 Hybrid is ridiculously quick. The system works like this: As the car brakes, the front axles, which was turned into an 'alternator' like device coupling two motors will generate power, and the power will immediately spin the carbon flywheel located at the passenger side of the car.

I have a feeling it's Toyota's fault. Naruse san hasn't been testing anything since year 2000 on the MR2. And a decade later, they threw him the keys to a LFA

french build quality ...

Funny stuffs had to contain the essence of the show. About cars. I love the episode where they drove to the South of France through the Milau bridge. And of course the VW Scirocco ad. And of course, Jeremy Clarkson's narration.

@CABEZAGRANDE: The problem with everyone's comment on the R35, was describing the R34 like it's a Lotus Eleven. Wrong, the R34, the R33 and R32 have always utilized the cleverest electronics in their era to produce the best results around track, curves or hairpins. There's no other way round, the GTR moniker has

@1carfreak1: Another thing I love the R33 GTR is for god knows why, I can drive a stock R33 GTR around Trial Mountain in Gran Turismo faster than I could in a Penzoil Nismo GTR 34 in Gran Turismo 2. Real driving simulator my ass.

It was awesome, tighter, more agile, faster, lighter than the R33 it replaced, gaining back the crown of 'Supercar killer' from which the GTR was put into question during the R33's era.

Even though I personally preferred the B5 RS4. I can't deny the fact that Audi's Quattro GmBh division were actually spending the last 20 years making them cars go faster solely with absurd engine power only.

As much as i liked the sportier approach of mazda on the compact segment, as much as i liked the mazda's interior, the comfort, the practicality; i'm always bothered by the overtly 'sporting' brand communication that only results in a complete disappointment of it's steering that lacks any sort of feeling and its lack

@Tristan Hipps: Because Android is an OS and not a phone? Manufacturing stuffs for a wildly popular phone is easier than a wildly popular OS on numerous phones with numerou ports and numerous form factors.

@Michael Arago: Give yourself hope Michael. Stay strong. She will want you to stay strong. I've read alot about what's going on in Paraguay and so forth. Nevertheless, you earn my respect for being able to continue on. Take care and be strong. All I can do is to add you on FB and heart click you here.