
@Shivver: @AreWeThereYeti: The thing is, there's never such thing as being fair or not fair to everyone. I'm sure Bill paid a lot more tax than anyone else, but does that warrant him two fire trucks and a bunch of policemen waiting in front of his house just in case something happened? No. And this same logic

And to just read that some firefighters watched someone's home burned down. sigh

Now Ja, Lop and Niks won't know who to side with.

@Tyson: The 'art' of making cars 'handle wonderfully', 'well balance', spine tingling tiny feedbacks that were sent through your fingers that barely rests upon a few atoms from the steering wheel, with the car adjusting itself to your temperament and fights back with all the bla bla black sheep...........Only exists

Why is it that when shown a picture of a Lotus Esprit, or DeTomaso for that matter, every Ja, Lop and Nik out there would go "I'm so gonna sell my (insert whatever) to get this.

@Nick: COTD please

Gorsky's assistant was actually beside him when they took this photo.

@ZenInsight: Cmd+Shift+4 for mac users to just crop anything.

Isn't it funny when being 'Jalop' was reduced to mocking whatever popular, new, cosmetic enhancements that actually do serve some purpose?

@Isostar13: I can't begin to fathom where the idea of a slide being made for the sake of convenience came from.

For those who claim Gizmodo's infatuation with Apple or Steve Jobs is going overboard. Haven't you realize that's what makes Gawker media great?

Sorry Mercedes. You lost me at 1990.

The redundant steps and cost per step argument is flawed. The levytator must have the up and down going direction near to each other to achieve the so called efficiency of reducing redundant steps.

Where's the source of this news? I'm from Malaysia and didn't quite hear such news ...

@Franzouse: Still, those door handles would snap, and the risk of having a leaking fuel tank, exhaust silencers that dropped while halfway driving, and power windows that went powerless with less than 30,000km travelled will definitely give Bob some new perception into what constitutes a bad car.

Because its about time US creates another potential 'deadly' world enemy with reports of 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' everywhere; so that neighboring countries would all dial up their orders from Lockheed Martin, McDonnel Douglas and Northtrop Grumman?

@ingolstadt: To add, I still love the MKII Punto HGT, the Fiat Coupe, and how awesome the previous Bravo was, and of course the funky Multipla.

The sad thing is, as much fun as the Fiat 500 is, the complete lineup of Fiat currently are still behind those of other European makes. The Punto Grande was almost the size of the Bravo except with everything cheapened and the Italian character sucked dry out of its interior. The Bravo was good but not great and