
I’ve seen a lot of, “Now you know what we felt like when Obama won” (also one deeply bizarre “I personally would point and laugh if Trump supporters were peacefully protesting, therefore it is by definition impossible for anyone to protest Trump in any way without being a hypocrite”), which is just another window into

In a word, good. I revel in your hurt feelings, racists.

This is so so true. It’s so annoying when people try to explain it by saying “these voters felt left behind by the economy.” I live in Kentucky. Most Trump supporters I know are relatively well off (it is true, in my experience, that many do not have college degrees, but work trade or own businesses) and white. It’s

You think it’s going to be hard for me to come up with numbers? It’s shockingly easy. Numbers:

That is like when people say reproductive rights shouldn’t be the focus of my vote. If they aren’t that important, stop trying to take them away.

Hell fucking yes to all of this. If you’re hated because you’re effective in a hostile environment.....that doesn’t mean you stop being effective.

Yeah this is too close to the now tired notion from progressives that if you didn’t say it perfectly, it’s the exact same as getting it entirely wrong.

Since the Komen debacle, I’ve given Planned Parenthood $5 dollars every time a prominent right-wing politician, misogynist-controlled state house or crazed anti-woman activist (masquerading as a journalist) tries to shove their horrible legislative penis into my Constitutional right to have an abortion.

I get it. I grew up in a solidly Republican suburb outside a heavily Democratic city, and as high school (and then college) student who was interested in politics, I had mentors who tried to steer me towards Republican causes/volunteering opportunities. The implication was pretty clear — as a woman and as a minority,

The original was kinda awful. But in a good way.

YES! I am a big fan of the “goodbye” fist-bump with all the kids in my life. I even have special high-five-fist-bump combos with some of the older ones. They LOVE IT. I’ll see them begrudgingly giving their demanding family members hugs, and then run up to me with pure glee and give me a fist bump and high five. When

This is important because so many people encourage kids to hug or kiss people they might not want to - whether it’s an adult or other kid. I mean. The intent is not bad, it’s cute or charming. didn’t leave her even after she scared you. 😭

I kind of love your SO in this story.

Although she’s definitely not publicity-shy, she’s a fucking badass and has a storied career of fighting for civil rights.

Looks like we’ve found the winner for 2016's “Upper-Class Twit of the Year” in ol’ Nigel.

Their relationship is gross and really unsettling. And I mean a Lot!

I think the term “sleep training” makes it sound overly extreme and/or weird (even I was like, ‘what is that?’ the first time I heard it) because really it’s just... getting your kid to sleep all night in their own bed.

Oh it’s true wherever I’ve worked. I’m retired now, but I worked as a nurse, a field dominated by women. Yet male nurses were constantly promoted over women, even when they were grossly bad at the job.