
As a fed who is now under ID theft watch thanks to the massive data breach some years ago, IT security at federal agencies is a joke. They’re hacked constantly. Her emails were probably safer on her private account just because it would be mostly unrecognizable.

It was impressive how fast Elizabeth Warren went from “their one woman friend” to a total traitor. Now they’ve glommed onto Jill Stein to prove they aren’t sexist.

“But if you give her your vote now, you’re never going to be able to negotiate with her neoliberal side of the party, and you won’t be able to extract concessions to move the country left. Which is why, if you let Trump win this time, the Democrats are going to woo you and concede stuff to you in order to gain your

but how is babby formed

Let us know when you get your prize in the mail for being so, so righteous on a post about four dead children.

“Lady stabs four children to death; officials speculate that it may have something to do with the fact that they were related to her.”


Yeah. I really want the DNC to sit around doing fuck all until a newcomer shows up to announce he has a master plan. Which was apparently what these idiots wanted.

Semper Cri

That is up to you and your friendship. If you was done with it all, leaving is fine. But if you set the boundary of not drinking and she was sneaking drinks, then I would say something. Saying something respectfully is still supporting, even if they don’t want to hear it. At least that is my experience. Substance

Conservatives appropriating liberal rhetoric is an old technique that has really come to full fruition as identity politics become more mainstream, and frankly successful. Just look at happy the panty-sniffers are to talk about how porn objectifies and denigrates women while still pushing the idea that sex outside of

Which is really not terrible advice for anyone. “Happy hour” with people who want a drink, some appetizers, and good conversation is one thing. “Happy hour” with people who just want to drink kind of sucks.

“It’s fine to talk about how it is hard to be a Republican and a woman—it certainly is.”

I had a discussion right here on Jezebel years ago with someone who told me I was being close minded by not “exploring the option” that vaccinations do more harm than good. She really lost me when she went on to say that baby formula still hasn’t been deemed safe and when I told her it has she implored me to provide

This is what I don’t understand. Okay, autism, SEVERE autism is a challenge, but it is surely better than death. And most autism seems to fall into a spectrum that makes it both workable and just another issue of being alive, really.

The biggest problem with US public schools isn’t “where should I send my kids?” That’s fairly unimportant in the grand scheme of things. The biggest problem is “where should I live and therefore support the public school with my property taxes?” Schools in poor neighborhoods really can only go so far because they’ll

Yes to your last paragraph. I think Hannah-Jones really spoke to this when she said, “Saying my child deserved access to “good” public schools felt like implying that children in “bad” schools deserved the schools they got, too.”

I’ve worked in both the private and the public sector as a primary school teacher and will be sending my child to a public school. Considering the cost I don’t always find that private schools have the best teachers. The private school I worked at did not pay that well, had longer hours and less resources for the

We sent our (white) kid to public school while most of our friends sent theirs to private for the very reason that we wanted our kid to see all kinds of people, not just privileged white kids. We don’t live in the US, but we live in a very economically (and to a lesser extent, racially) segregated region of a foreign

Oh FUCK OFF with this DV shit. Bernie-or-busters are not abused women. They are first-time voters who want everything they want, right now, because revolution.

When I tried to vote with my vagina, I got kicked out of the polling station. I explained that I’m a woman so it’s literally impossible for me to vote any other way, but they just kept going on about how it was “indecent” and “unsanitary.”