Not going to lie here; I do this all the time. And for a vintage cast iron skillet? Wouldn’t think twice. I’m astounded by what people leave on their curb, and I have no shame!
Not going to lie here; I do this all the time. And for a vintage cast iron skillet? Wouldn’t think twice. I’m astounded by what people leave on their curb, and I have no shame!
It would have been better if when Kylie finally turned around her face was a decrepit ghost and she lunged at the camera and killed Rob.
Today is my first day back at work after maternity leave and everyone is asking if I’m okay and if I’ve cried and I want yell, “FREEDOM IS MINE, AT LAST,” at all of them but I feel like that would make me seem like a bad mom. Newborns are BORING, no matter how adorable they are! I got to eat my breakfast with two…
I can’t believe no one this far has mentioned the fact that all the criticism has been directed at Chrissy, as though fathers are somehow automatically off the hook?
someone who feels happy and committed doesn’t cheat.
Oh for gods sake. Obviously I don’t mean marriage = literal ownership of another human being. But in 95% of marriages (a common thing people are typically aware of) it’s understood to be a monogamous committed relationship between two people. If it’s not your relationship, don’t insert yourself into it. It’s common…
It’s really not complicated. Don’t do things that you know are morally wrong, and your life - as well as that of everyone who comes into contact with you - is a lot simpler. Also, your conscience will be clearer, if you have one. You, at least, will not be hurting anyone deliberately, and that’s a bit less cruelty and…
And in the time that thing is overturned, maybe they’ll manage to make the two remaining abortion clinics bankrupt. Who cares about the cost to the taxpayers, or about legality? They can strongarm their objective anyway.
I agree that Bernie would be a good choice for VP for the reasons you gave, but I think he burned that bridge a while ago. The problem is that he relied on tarnishing HRC’s character in order to mount his own campaign. It’s one thing to express disagreement with an opponent’s policy proposals/past senate votes and…
How do you serve as VP when you’ve publicly stated your opponent is unqualified to be President?
#teamwendy or, if we are sticking with Texas democrats (we have a lot of great ones that never see national office because of gerrymandering and the batshit crazy religious right) former Houston mayors Bill White or Annise Parker would be great.
And let’s not even talk about local and state elections. People treat politics like sports, and act like all that matters is whether their team is going to win the presidential superbowl.
Wendy Davis of TX would be great.
I still prefer him for president over Clinton, but I can’t see her picking him as her running mate. Making him secretary of labor, on the other hand ...
Nope nope nope nope nope NOOOOOPE PLEASE everyone stop saying that Warren should be the running mate. She can do SO MUCH MORE GOOD where she is right now than she ever could possibly do as VP.
Those are all fair points - but none of that precludes you from deciding to learn the basics as Heather suggested above. Then, you’re not uncomfortable if/when it does come up, and you can help folks out where you couldn’t before.
Perinatal hospice care:
So many people in these threads are such a ray of sunshine lol. No one can *force* you to learn a skill - so good for you.
I’m glad so many people here are apparently going to tell their family/ friends with kids to go to hell, tell people who visit and ask if they could get a cup of coffee to drive to Starbucks if…
I think everyone should know the basics of childcare, not because I think childless people are going to change their minds, and not so they can “babysit,” as in take care of kids while people go out for drinks or to the movies, but because unless we are going to be every-person-for-themselves nihilists, we are all…
I agree, but I think of this in a more expanded context: people should learn the basics of care period. That could be child care, ability to hep with an injured or ill loved one, helping friends with trauma. It’s not just parents that can benefit from knowing how to lend a hand in a pinch.