
My 21 year old daughter lives in Austin (she is not a student at UT), and I don’t want to stoke up unnecessary fear, but I feel like there’s always this feeling among parents that Austin is just this lovely hippie dippie town with college hi jinx and not much more. But it’s not. It’s a big sprawling city. The

My daughter is currently a freshman at UT, and this just hits so close to home - I can’t help but put myself in the family’s place and imagine how awful it would be. I’m in a little bit of awe over how her mom is handling this; the statements she has released have been incredibly loving and classy, considering the

Yeah, Melissa McCarthy is wonderful but Sookie was like a recurring SNL sketch dropped in an episode.

Hillary can’t control who donates to the PAC. It’s illegal for candidates to coordinate with PACs. When she promised she wouldn’t accept donations, she was saying that she wouldn’t accept any funds, not that she would stop organizations that have no legal connection to her run by other people who support her from

Both have renounced the Crime Bill.

That Crime Bill that Bernie voted for?

So yet another regurgitation of an earlier article. Gawker Media has really shitty election coverage.

This is the third time Gawker Media has posted this exact same content today. Trying to manufacture outrage much?

“Fuck. So close.”

Agree 1000%. The problem with a lot of progressive movements is that they get focused on dismantling the system, which is too large of a goal and inevitably fails. Whereas setting goals of working within the system to enact meaningful changes that make people’s lives better in the everyday, that’s often seen as

I think the “start small” works on so many levels, and is a profound tool for those of us who may have health-related issues tied to inactivity. Why am I saying it that way? Because not every person who is heavy is unhealthy. I happen to be both, and every person who has ever suggested I should do a 2 hour spin class

My main issue is what do you want from Bill? An apology? Is an apology going to be able to wash that all away? They’ve admitted several times they over shot by a mile with the crime bill. Hillary’s apologized for the super predator comment, so what do they really want to accomplish? I mean I would love to get involved

As a POC I don’t disagree with anything he said. At that point in time shit was like it was now but like 50 times worse. Black Community leaders endorsed this bill. HELL BERNIE SANDERS ENDORSED THIS BILL with his sorry not sorry reasons. And the black community does have some onus to take on here. Hindsight is 20/20.

An aside...I’ve observed that these sort of articles tend to get a huge influx of Sander’s supporters comments fairly quickly during the day/afternoon, but then the Clinton leaning supporters catch up replying later in the day/evening. This started out a little differently as it started on Jezebel/the slot and then

That person is confusing 40+ women—who innovated the dawn of the internet and have been using it for far longer than they have—with the parents of these 40+ women (you know, the women in Gloria Steinem and Madeline Albright’s demographic).

I’m older than 40 years old.

I’m don’t want to deal with people who got enthusiastic about free college tuition, single payer for all, no wars, Wall Street and the banks broken up...because with no concrete plan to do any of that, and no congressional support, none of it can happen. There will be a very bitter backlash, and I don’t want a swing

That one got an aggressive eye-roll from me too. Besides the inherent idiocy of assuming people who are “old” (god seriously, 40 is old??) can’t use the internet, it has this terrible taste of diminishing older feminists into confused soccer moms who are bad at technology or something. Maybe there is a reason all

Not to fan the dumpster flames, but how many Clinton supporters do you know who have vowed not to vote for Sanders in the general? My millennial peers are pretty evenly split, but everyone I know who’s prepared to sit out in November if their candidate loses the primary supports Sanders.

The more clear it is that Sanders is not going to be the nominee the more immature and rude a certain subsection of his supporters are getting. It’s vicious. At the same time Sanders is refusing to release tax returns and doesn’t have actual plans for his main campaign promises. Radio silence.