
I think it relates to college drinking inasmuch as people use being too drunk as a convenient excuse to blame victims, or to make assumptions that the lack of an outright refusal = consent.

I'll probably get flamed to death over this, but I really don't think fraternities and sororities are the devil as people here seem to think. People act like Greek life is the only thing causing rape on campus. The fact is, the same guys in frats will still get together and have parties and potentially roofie girls.

If you think not being forced to watch videos that you don't want to watch is a "libertarian stance," you are seriously confused about libertarianism. Hint: "I don't want to watch something, so it shouldn't be allowed to exist" is not a libertarian position.

Yeah bro, like if I borrow someone's car without their permission, and I was gonna give it back when I was done with it, then that's not stealing because there was no intent because I said so and I won't be charged with a crime. Checkmate, feminists.

"I started off thinking that everyone was very helpful and friendly and then I realised that they all wanted extra money and it all started to seem a bit false. "

Imagine that? they worked hard to do a good job to get a good pay? Say it aint so. Do you work for free? Do you think everyone likes their job and they are

Delivery people use their own vehicles/gas often times so I take that into consideration when tipping.

How do people find it that hard to calculate 20%? It's easy.

We need to recognize that the reason these schools are on the the list is not because sexual assault is a greater problem in their student body than at other schools, but because their students and professors are more out spoken advocates.

You get to be in the company of women without having to pay for it. Pipe down.

It deserves its own PSA, but I don't think combining them is all that appropriate. The dynamics in male victimization are different and need to be addressed differently, especially considering how many male victims were raped as children. Over 25% of the male rape victims in the recent CDC study were raped before the

I think it's disturbing that whenever someone brings up male rape statistics they get labeled as an MRA.

From looking at this, I am not so sure that we can assume that this time is actually "billable." It looks like a standard reminder that goes on all memos. At most, the billable time would go to "admin," which just means that the attorney might or might not be credited for the time toward the yearly requirement. It

In many large firms, a new coworker who's White is assumed to be an attorney and invites to lunch, etc. commence without prodding. By contrast, a new Black coworker is presumed to be support staff. This is the norm and is truly "othering." Nudging people to actually get to know diverse coworkers is the ONLY way it

Yeah honestly I don't see what's terribly wrong with this. This is clearly from a big law firm, a field where diversity recruiting and retention is very important. Having worked at one as an LGBT person, I can tell you that they go out of their way to make you feel comfortable, probably because of memos like this.

As a Black attorney who worked in Big Law, this memo would have been a great improvement in the firm culture where Black summer associates and attorneys were routinely ignored and mistaken for admin. staff since others couldn't even process that we were attorneys.

I like directness so I appreciate this memo. It's clumsily worded, for sure, but you have to affirmatively welcome non-White males into overwhelming White male spaces (like big law firms) and that just doesn't happen without nudging, sadly. The retention rates of minority lawyers at Big Law is abysmal largely due to

I'm sure that this could have been more polished, however, I think a certain amount of directness is necessary to achieve the goal of integrating non-white male employees into the corporate culture. It is very easy to not see the "other", this is one way to avoid that unintentional blindness.

They're not your friends if they condone the harassment or abuse this guy did to you.

Yeah, I've never understood when people are like, "I don't want to take sides! You're both my friends!" Maybe if it's just a breakup or something, but not when it's harassment, or (God forbid) rape.

This is a very well-written piece of fiction and definitely tries to get into the mind of the other person to make them "not a villain." However, I don't think suing god and everyone is going to help the case any.