
She knows how.

For everyone replying that your friends can afford baby sitters: have a little compassion.

This is an amazing comment. The only thing I would add to it is that most abortion regulations are local. Hillary Clinton is working with the DNC to fund more state-level candidates - the ones who will actually make a bigger difference in people’s lives.

Women can’t afford to just look at the White House. That won’t

Holy fuck. Did you projectile vomit straight into his face, forever?

Oh, I have no intention to be the reporter. My question is if I should tell him the way these types of posts might be perceived in a professional context. Some of me says maybe he doesn’t know, help him! The rest of me says ‘if he doesn’t know, he’s fucking hopeless’.

I think we should make it the place for those, because while it contained sentences I liked, this piece is too unstructured to discuss.

Here’s mine: A colleague friended me on facebook, and also a lot of other people in our shared professional sphere, and posts a lot of photos of himself shirtless and allusions to

I understand what he meant by it. But I also realize that coming out and using that language was in response to an article aggregated to look like Clinton called Sanders unqualified (Weaver now blames the media for the misunderstanding). The Sanders campaign reacted in anger to a misunderstanding and gave the Trump or

I’m with you on the behavior of a lot of Sanders supporters ... but what you’ve described is a problem you have with Sanders supporters. I don’t get the conflation of the man with some of his shithead supporters.

From what I’ve read, I think it was the path that goes from 24th next to the facilities building, past the dance building, down to 21st and the alumni center. I think I read she had come from the drama building, so she probably headed down those stairs by the fountain and then along the path.

So, so awful.

I never watched Gilmore Girls, but my husband and I recently decided to put it on while our baby won’t sleep. It’s bland, quiet, unlikely to erupt in disturbing violence. Perfect.

We’re two episodes in, and I don’t think I want to see more. Why is she throwing kitchen towels onto the lit stove? Why is there a man who

I agree. I used to really enjoy that spot, and would even detour from more direct routes to walk through there. But I had also been surprised, or surprised others, on more than a few occasions coming around a corner near that alcove of benches. It’s so sad that this young woman lost her life, and that even the

This is exactly how I feel. I feel like a lot of Bernie supporters look at BLM and say ‘well, some leaders of BLM prefer Bernie, all minorities should, too.’ The fact is that minorities are as diverse in opinions as white people (i.e., are human, like white people). Because Republicans have done everything possible to

Exactly. If Donald Trump dropped out tomorrow, and either HRC or Sanders made a play for his votes by taking up the “ban all Muslims” banner, most of us would be thanking our lucky stars the party has a mechanism to shut that down.

There are lots of criticisms to be made about the process. But the superdelegates thing

No opinion on the question, but the way she’s holding her hand makes me nostalgic for when you could smoke on TV.

Yeah, I think this guy is just making things up. I have three kids and I’ve never had to explain shit to anyone. And it’s not like I live in a big, multi-cultural city. I’m out in flyover country.

I’m not sure why what other people assume about my family should change what I call myself, but interesting.

What are you doing in the schools that your name poses that much of an issue? My husband and I have different last names, and other than him being called by my last name a couple times, this has never been an issue, at all.

And people act like it’s neutral. I’ve heard of horror stories in hiring (search committees not finding all of someone’s research outputs or suspecting hanky-panky because the outputs are under a different last name), and in some states voter ID poses issues for women who change their names. Not only do we not ask men

It’s possible - lots of scholars post papers to public repositories like Arxiv, or similar. But, since people do that themselves, the same argument can still apply - this person stole my work and put their name on it (i.e., they had no right to post this), this person was asked to leave this research project due to

I don’t hate this as an idea, on principal, because I believe in single-payer health care. But I do think this sort of thing sets up a slippery slope - it is essentially telling the employer that they don’t have to provide some portion of compensation if they think the employee will use the compensation to do