
Maybe it’s where I’m from, but I hear nothing odd about vocal fry. Different people speak differently. Completely manufactured outrage to judge women on an ungendered phenomenon.

Oh, that’s really nice. I’m very sensitive about my cervix being touched, and with the dilation, my doc didn’t even need the clamp.

My experience is probably different, since I had one put in after we finished having children. I was so psyched up from the internet that I almost cried when the speculum went in. Which, of course, doesn’t hurt. But it was the nerves! But my husband grabbed both my hands, comforted me and told me to sack the fuck up,

About siz feet to the nearest eating surface off the long edge, 1.5 fet off the short edge. I can kind of see that argument, though human feces can carry more disease carrying germs than either bird shit or bugs in our region. And, you know, there was a nice, clean restroom not more than 10 feet away. Even if it’s not

I’m no hero. I’m just a lady who doesn’t want to accidentally set the clean towel on which I set my pump parts in diarrhea.

And there were two parents! I was on my own with the older of my kids, while my husband had the infant. If I can get my kids to the potty, change them, then pump in the car while the kids snacked, one of them could have gone inside and checked for a changer. Must their child feel a gentle breeze on his butthole to be

I was pumping at a rest stop the other day, and saw a couple roll up and change their kid on the outdoor picnic tables. I gave them a fucking filthy look (for being fucking filthy - there was a changing table in the bathroom). I could see the ‘you don’t understaaaand’ parental indignation face start. Then they saw the

I lived in TX for years, and I still hit HEB for re-supplies when I’m back visiting family. Miss it like crazy.

I’ve noticed an uptick in weirdly defensive pieces about how shopping at Whole Foods isn’t that bad or that costly. Often with long justifications of how you just need to sniff out the deals. I assume these people don’t ever shop with young children.

I don’t think this is accurate. The Strib article says that the trip came after students completed a year of sex ed. And I think the author of this post mischaracterizes the parent’s objections:

The author mischaracterizes the parent’s reaction:

I actually prefer to board later so I have to gate-check my suitcase. I travel with my laptop bag + suitcase. No charge, but they’ll handle the planing and de-planing of the bag? Sure, why not.

This dude, in their replies to me, is trying to get me to make a hierarchy of victims and admit ‘nuance’ in using coercion to force someone into sexual activity.

Nope. Coercing someone into doing something against their will with you through use of power (threatening to fail someone, fire someone, expose information about them, hurt/kill them or their family, etc) is just as wrong as tricking someone into doing that same act.


Thanks for posting this. I originally thought the claim was stupid, but after reading more, I can see how the students thought they were doing something reasonable.

I think that’s true. I’ve also seen academics in marginalized groups come to believe some really weird shit. Like, because harassment never happened to me, people claiming harassment must be lying. Or because I had it hard, it’s right an fair for others like me to have a rough go of it. Like out-of-touch + engaging in

I think you’re reacting pretty fairly. I was lied to about the alcohol content of a beverage, and had too much and passed out. Then the man who raped me did just that. He had planned that. He knew I had said that I only wanted to have X drinks because I had taken medicine for menstrual cramps, and that I didn’t want

I’m sure you could.

I agree. Republicans always scream about tort reform, MRAs about false rape accusations. The fact is that if there is any sort of reporting system in which anyone can make an accusation, some of those accusations will be bogus. That someone who considers themselves one of the good people got accused doesn’t mean that