
That's the short of it. Gamergate is also pretty tightly tied in to Men's Right Activism and other groups for misogynists. Particularly STEM misogynists who feel that something is being taken away from them by increasing women's participation in STEM fields.

I wonder if that kid really had pertussis. We had an outbreak at the school where I did my PhD. Multiple people were hospitalized, I was sick for three months. Several expectant women miscarried. It was bad.

I'm so sorry to hear that, and thank you for sharing.

Thanks. In a weird way, it was like an out-of-body experience. I have no recollection of the event. What I really remember is my friends condemning him to my face, but continuing to be friends with him, and inviting me to things with him, etc. It was like living some sort of weird, meta drama about rape culture.

I dunno. I was raped by an ex-boyfriend who put my clothes back on me and pretended like it never happened. Until drunkenly confessing some weeks later. I shorted out pretty hard. I even went out on another date with him (maybe two?) before coming to my senses. If I had been in love with him, or we had been going out

Amen. The lack of care Jezebel commenters have for disenfranchised women, minorities and poor people is fucking sickening.

Yeah, I'm not seing the outrage. Maybe it's the outlets I read, but I get kind of tired of the 'You will be covered in SHIT and VOMIT, and you will go out with friends in a shit-covered shirt and not notice and they'll ask you to leave the bar because you're covered in HUMAN FECES' articles. And I understand wanting

And the no-butt cleavage daisy dukes sentiment. I was seriously afraid to sit on things with bare legs when I was in grad school, for fear getting greased with someone's spray-on butt tan.

If Republicans ever have enough political power to abn abortion, they won't. This whole schtick is lucrative for them: they get to stump for 'moral right' (raising a shitload of money), waste time in the legislature and then drain state coffers fighting legal battles over their stupid, and often unconstitutional laws.

It's pretty awful. And because students are either on the school insurance, a spouse's, their parents, or insurance that they purchased (government grants don't give insurance here ... go figure), the documentation for how to claim their meager benefits is very sketchy. I've been encouraging the women I work with to

It depends on the institution. A lot of places don't have by-laws that have caught up to this type of threat. Normally, you get a student forwarding you something, and ask what they would like to see happen and what would make them feel comfortable. Usually, that's moving groups. So I let them move, and speak to the

That's interesting; I admittedly don't think a lot about online learning. Do you feel you've gotten adequate training to manage these types of situations? I was always really bummed out by the resources for behavior management at every institution I've been at.

50:50 on stalking (the f/f I'm not sure was sexual in nature and never heard the follow-up), all three unambiguously sexual advance situations were men.

I could go either way about it. In a decade in higher ed, I've had to intervene and break up lab groups maybe 6 times. Not all the things were sexual, but most involved persistent seuxal advances or borderline stalking behavior. So I can see it happening.

Jesus, I hope she doesn't have to drop the class. This is something the professor absolutely should know how to handle because, in my experience, it's not that uncommon.

At the university where I currently work, grad students don't get anything. They basically have to quit their jobs (and lose their insurance) for the duration of 'leave'. But it stops the clock on your dissertation defense countdown!

I've enjoyed reading her thoughts on not being a parent. I'm kind of excited about this, because I think she'll have interesting things to say on parenthood now that she's made the choice to go that way.

Something tells me the OP has never had something go seriously wrong with a pet. Even though we had well over ten grand in our emergency fund, it's not like we wouldn't miss the five grand we spent when our year-old puppy was mauled by another dog. I don't miss the 22 bucks a month I spend on her insurance, at all.

Of course. I actually do a lot of teaching, so feel free to get back at me if you ever have questions about nont-traditional academic stuff.

I feel bad for always being the voice of 'write a goddamn letter to SOMEONE', but there you go;)