
I’d say it’s more like The Godfather, except with the cast of Arrested Development. (And apparently the closest thing they have to Michael Bluth is Eric Trump, which tells you the kind of hole we’re in.)

*cries in Scotland* And I’m only one year away from being able to get a UK citizenship!

They say they’re an equal-opportunity employer, so it probably actually isn’t a requirement. However, being legally allowed to work in Sweden almost certainly is a requirement.

I’m interpreting the tone of the article as “resentful that she did such a piss-poor job of campaigning that she somehow managed to lose to Donald Trump,” which I think fits in with what I said about her campaign being uninspired. Don’t see what I might have been mistaken about there - would you mind clarifying?

> And although she was better than Trump, if you found HRC to be inspiring, you had to have had blinders on.

The article uses the word “uninspired,” not “uninspiring,” which implies that it’s Clinton’s campaign itself that wasn’t inspired. I.e. it didn’t do any particularly special (despite the very unique opposing candidate maybe requiring a different approach). Particularly, the fact that the campaign took the standard

Did you miss the part of the comment that said “I totally understand how people may take offense to it” and decide to respond to an imagined comment instead? 

> You dont know that he actually put his hands on her, and I hope this clears his name,

> Only one of them has ever defied me on this...

It still might have. It also varies with how much is dissolved in it, which could change depending on the source and treatment of the water, which could easily have changed within the scope of a year.

No one used the words “burden of proof,” but that’s the concept at play here. You said:

Since when is the burden of proof on the person deciding to believe another human? The burden of proof should be on the one claiming deceit. If trust weren’t the default position in society, we... wouldn’t have society.

Thank you for suffering for our sake. I’m glad that this seems to have some benefits for you as well in the aftermath. Hopefully they’ll be long-term - it might be interesting to do an update in a year or so to see how many of those changes have stuck.

> Barack Obama didn’t need to bail out Wall Street in 2008.
> President Obama could have steered the bailout to homeowners. The Democrats controlled the White House, Senate, and House in January 2009.

I don’t think that’s how time works. 

He too must have heard the prophecy, and now he’s in disguise.

Wait, so does this mean Markiplier is suspect? Or is neon pink hair alright?

Or maybe Groundhog’s Day is the Dark Souls of movies.

No ragrets. Not even a single kanji.

This is actually a common problem in the UK, though since stores here tend to tag electronics, people do it with produce. Rather than selecting what they actually are buying at self-checkout, a lot of people will select whatever is the cheapest per kilo (I think typically carrots). It’s actually a big enough problem