
I think it was the ebook surge that made 50 Shades so big - it hit at just the right moment, and let people realize that they could read it on a kindle/etc. without exposing a potentially-embarrassing cover to the world.

Reading between the lines here, they oversold because they figured some people would cancel, and they didn’t want those to go unsold. So they waited up until just before release to see how many canceled, and then they realized that not enough did, and so they’re in this mess.

People have been drawing penises on everything since the dawn of humanity. The true OG dick runner’s drawing in the savannas of Africa has probably been lost to the depths of time.

Back in the halcyon days of Nintendo Power, they occasionally had a mini-section called “Twisted Challenges,” where readers would submit their own little challenges like this. It’s great to see Ceave keeping this alive with challenges so ridiculous that Nintendo Power would have dismissed them as obviously impossible.

You can sue anyone for anything. (Whether it’s likely to be successful or not is another matter, of course). There are actually times when you can sue the press for reporting something truthful and be successful, particularly in countries with less free-speech protection than the US. I don’t know enough about French

The US taxes citizens regardless of where they live (with exemptions if they make under a certain threshold and/or pay equivalent taxes locally), so they can’t run. They also prevent people from revoking their citizenship without first settling up all owed taxes.

You know those signs you sometimes see in parking lots saying something along the lines of “Not responsible for theft or damages”? This is why. It’s not a bulletproof shield against responsibility (in some circumstances it can be shown that they are nevertheless responsible, like if the damage was caused by one of

You are indeed seeing a different article. I was referring to the article from Skyscanner which this article references. That article is written by Paul Trainer, who, assuming he’s the same as this Paul Trainer on Twitter (which seems likely, given the “travel writer” note in his profile there), is based in Glasgow.

The original article doesn’t say. Given that it talks about booking flights from the US, one would assume it’s an American timezone, but even the 3-hour difference between EST and PST could lose out on the savings that only appear in a quick dip around 5am.

That didn’t stop it from getting onto the Wii U Virtual Console, so I don’t see why it would be an issue for a collection.

When people pointed out to Twitter that he was breaking the rules, they changed the rules to make him an exception.

If even one customer who got their information exposed is from the EU, Bethesda could be in for a world of pain. GDPR violation penalties are no joking matter.

Ah, thanks for the update. So, he’s doing the things that unethical but not illegal. Guess the rest of the family was hogging all the things that were unethical and illegal, and he had to pick up the legal scraps.

You know, it’s been a while since I’ve heard anything about Erik Trump in all of this. Did he actually somehow manage to keep his hands clean? Or at least, not in the same ballpark of dirty as Don Sr./Jr. and Ivanka?

“phobic” has a long history of meaning more than just “afraid of.” For instance, scientists have long used the term “hydrophobic” to describe substances that don’t get wet (but instead have water bead up on them). In this case, it just means that they don’t get along well with water.

And besides all that, words and

It’s only banned for minors even in those states - as far as I know, no state or county has a ban on it for adults, like she is. 

Probably because he was talking, and not standing alongside the giant that is Penn Jillette (which means he actually looks like a somewhat-normal-sized human being). Take away the muteness and apparent shortness, and you’re missing the two most notable traits about him.

You can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themself into. What you can do is try to appeal to their own value system and make arguments consistent with it that might at least reduce harm. Like, if they care so much about babies, will they support funding for improved post-natal care?

I think there has been precedent though for going after emulator creators who use the playability of a game as an advertising point, though I forget the exact source of that. They can almost certainly claim copyright infringement through the use of any screenshots from Super Mario Odyssey, and a fair use defense would