
This is from South Korea, not Japan.

Jokes aside, this could be a security risk if someone manages to hack his site and replace his download with an actual virus or malware. I recommend anyone who plays this run an anti-virus and Malwarebytes afterward, just to be sure.

I mean... that has to be a joke, right? He can’t possibly both not know that Republicans already control the House and that it’s impossible to impeach a non-sitting official (all impeachment does is remove them from office, which is completely pointless when they’re not in office).

I’d say it’s more of a legal loophole than anything else. To allow contentious issues to be discussed and advocated for, Parliamentarians and Lords are protected from prosecution from anything said in session. Plus, anything they say becomes part of the public record. These two protections trump any legal orders to

Hello from tomorrow, where he is indeed blaming CNN.

Some barf from across the sea for you: A court has ordered a British newspaper not to name the subject of its #MeToo special investigation, saying contracts are more important than the freedom of the press (even though the newspaper never signed a contract with him):

You’re thinking of Xenoblade Chronicles, this article is talking about Xenoblade Chronicles X.

It got better.

Since when is the left an amorphous blob rather than a collection of individuals? Yes, plenty of people on the left decided not to vote in 2016 because they let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Yes, plenty of people on the left are now outraged by what’s happening now and trying to pressure senators to stop it.

Given how many rapes he committed, I’d say this is far from what he deserves. But since he could only be convicted for one, this is about as much as we could hope for (even in the US, a surprising number of convicted rapists get off with a slap on the wrist).

It seems to be rare among humans in general; it’s a built-in ego-defense mechanism that it’s hard for us to admit that we were responsible for doing harm. The people who have the capacity to overcome this generally do so with smaller mistakes and course-correct when it’s easier to do so, without letting themselves

So what I’m reading is, every man gets to do this once without going to prison. I’m sure this will cause no problems whatsoever. /s

I don’t count Naoto as trans in the end, which was why I said it simply “played with trans themes.” It felt to me like there might have been tension on the narrative team, with one or more people pushing for LGBT themes and others pushing back, resulting in kinda-but-not-really LGBT storylines for her and Kanji.

Yeah, it came out as a twist at the end, package alongside the implication that she’s really a man, since she suffers the same nightmares that otherwise only men are subject to.

That being said, for the time at which the game came out, it was one of the best representations of a trans character in a video game. It felt

Notably, the original game already had a post-op trans woman who had sex with a man without telling him she was trans, so this train has already left the station unless they plan to go back and revise that part of the story.

This actually makes me wish I hadn’t changed my legal residence away from Texas this election cycle. I did expect Texas to eventually become a swing state, I just didn’t expect it to happen so quickly.

Meh, society won’t stop calling women “girls” until they hit 50, I’m sure things won’t fall apart if we call a few 30-something men “boys.”

Well, this is taking place in California, so I’d hazard a guess that California’s laws and definitions might be relevant here.