
The only way I can make sense of that is if there’s three seats in a row, and it’s just the middle seat in conflict. The problem with that theory is, I can’t recall ever seeing an airplane with more than two first-class seats together.

In general, the best advice I can give is to focus on learning the boss’s patterns. Don’t attack, just watch the boss, and note down what it does in each attack rotation, dodging whenever you see an attack coming at you (or blocking if it’s too late to dodge), until you have a good handle on it. Then attack only as

What the left was saying is, “The Constitution says the role of the government is to ‘promote the common welfare of the nation,’ and what we’re doing does that, so it’s okay.” While that’s an arguable point (and there is the 9th Amendment to contend with on some fronts), it’s a lot more reasonable than you’re giving

Click on the three dots beside the star (which show up when you mouse-over), and select “Flag” for egregious stuff like this.

I’m no expert, but I believe there’s a newsworthiness exception to this type of thing - it’s why the Anthony Weiner pics could be publicized.

Okay, what motivates you to, when you see a conversation about the racism of a company’s executive, decide that you have to make the contribution to the conversation that you really don’t care for their pizza (except of course you have to frame it as an objective fact rather than your own opinion)? Is your opinion of

Now playing

There is one known example of a video on YouTube with specially-hardcoded behviour, this explainer of the (long since fixed) bug that videos would freeze at 301 views for a long while:

Some info to add to how momentous this is: A long while back, collectors were worried about their cards from early editions of the game losing value if they were reprinted. To assuage their fears, Wizards of the Coast promised to never reprint many valuable cards from the first couple of editions, the Black Lotus

This all makes me so angry. I don’t live in New York, so I can’t do much about the laws there, but anyone who does: Please take this as motivation to pressure your state representatives to ban revenge porn. And anyone else (including me): Go look up the current state of affairs where you live, and see if you need to

There are actually two Trump babies - that’s the small one. Here’s a pic I took of both of them at the rally in Edinburgh:

There’s a difference between incidentally including people in a picture and making someone the subject of a picture. If they’re the subject, it’s a good idea to ask. If they’re just one person who happened to also be in the frame of whatever you were taking a picture of, it’s probably fine not to (though there might

Whenever I hear a concern about clarity, here’s my preferred response:

“Thou art correct. Imagine if the plural “you” were ever to overtake the singular “thou” and represent both - it would be utter confusion! Please, continue thy crusade against the evils of the singular “they,” and be on the watch for those who would

Democrats have two options:

You might want to work on your reading comprehension. The post you replied to didn’t contain even a hint of Obama apologia.

The game industry does have the term “Crunch” for it, (though granted this has the issue that it implies it’s just a short-term thing, “crunching” in a lot of work right before a deadline). It doesn’t have any legal weight, but it does help give a name to this particular issue and focus discussion around it.

If it were trivial for them to flip a switch and ban him from the microphone like Twitter can do, then yeah, that would be reasonable. Especially if, like Twitter, they had a policy of banning people that did many of the things he’s done, but carved out an exception for him after this was pointed out, then it would be

You can make a FOIA request for it: Normally this takes a while though, but there is a “compelling need” exception that brings it to the front of the line, as mentioned on page 3. There are exemptions under which they can refuse though, including protecting the safety of

I see two possibilities:

Yes. The beta is just for bugfixes; don’t expect any feature changes like that when it goes live.

Narumi and Hirotaka seem to be coming at romance sideways compared to most couples, getting everything out of order, which is probably why the kiss comes so early. Them becoming a couple feels more like a business proposal than flirting, and the kiss comes right after Hirotaka accidentally convinces Narumi he’s about