
Apparently it happens so often with New Zealand, there’s a subreddit dedicated to it: Unless this is a scheme by Sauron, still mad about the time that NZ filled in the ranks of the Elven army, I doubt this is all intentional. Why it keeps happening is beyond me, but this does

The developer of Blossom Tales reported that it sold 20x as many copies on Switch as it did on Steam. Even if this is an outlier (which it might be, due to the game being a Zelda clone making it more likely to sell on a Nintendo platform), it does indicate that the Switch store is selling a lot better with quality

There’s a Sean Spicer joke here somewhere, but I’m just not finding it... anyone?

You should probably read the first and last line of Hatless’s comment again. Pretty sure that’s a joke.

I just have to say, I appreciate the fact that you made your name here the perfect insult. Thank you, Hugfart.

That moment when you realize he praises Nazis more than he praises Mexican immigrants... I’m gonna go lie down.

“The Witcher probably got allowed on PS3/PS4 because Sony didn’t know about the nudity...” 

Ah! Thanks, that explains it then.

Godot? He didn’t show up until the third game... does this mean they’re skipping the second game, compressing it, doing a two-cour season, or what?

While the punk scene is undeniably white, their lineage isn’t - it only takes two steps back of inspiration to get to the likes of Chuck Berry and Muddy Waters, via the Rolling Stones. Other lineages, like those via the Who, are certainly whiter, but they all trace back to rock and roll, which is undeniably black in

Welcome to the fundamental problem of writing rules. You try to write a rule separating white from black in the middle of a sea of grey, and you end up calling too much “white”, calling too much “black,” making it so complicated no one can understand it, or making the line itself vague. There’s no perfect solution.

It hurts the company’s reputation, which makes people less likely to buy future games of theirs.

On the other hand, Nintendo is the only one of the giant AAA companies to have resisted the urge to load up their games with microtransactions (with a few exceptions, notably on their f2p mobile games). So at least with them you’re still getting full games without bonus paywalled off.

As an amateur writer myself, the big reason I find it important to keep consent clear and present comes down to empathy for my characters. When I get deep into a character’s mind, it’s impossible for me to be complicit in something as horrible as rape happening to them (and I see anything shy of explicit consent to be

A Link outfit!? Well, that certainly makes it worth buying it twice!

This comment is great! I just have one question: Do you have any plans to port this comment to the Switch?

Well, there are always remasters to look forward to, at least.

Probably something along the lines of:

That is, in fact, the real reason. Adding braille to machines that don’t need it is a very minor expense compared to setting up two different assembly lines for those that do and don’t need it.