
If you’re traveling, remember that different places have different tipping expectations. Nowhere tips more than the US, so the only places you’ll get in trouble are those where they consider tips an insult (like Japan). Otherwise, if you forgot, you’ll just hit the “knock your socks off” point much more easily, which

When I woke up today, I didn’t expect to read a story where Howard Stern was acting as the moral conscience. Well, here we are.

Yeah, I’ll agree it isn’t a straightforward application of Poe’s La. The reason I brought it up is that I think what went on here is due to the same underlying cause: That there are people who could misinterpret what you said and fully believe that misinterpretation, given the fact that there are people out there who

There are people out there defending Jerry Sandusky even now, so seeing someone defending Polanski wouldn’t surprise me. Don’t forget about Poe’s Law.

Because they’re a news site, and piracy is a rather important news item when it comes to games.

I’ve heard from firefighters who dislike the term “fireman” because it does in fact have another meaning - someone who shovels coal into a train engine - and they don’t appreciate being confused with that job. (Granted, that job has a confusing name itself. Probably should rename that to something like

TIL that Kotaku is secretly a collaborative clicker game.

A middle name can also be a good backup for other reasons. For instance, a colleague of mine is an Italian immigrant to the UK, so he’s given his son an Italian first name and a British middle name, allowing the boy to decide once he gets older which he wants to go with. 

It’s more like the friend letting you play with their toys, but secretly sabotaging them before lending them to you so that you can’t have as much fun as you want, then pretending it was all an accident when you call them out on it.

Obama made a joke about sending predator drones after boys who dated his daughters, so I don’t think it weighed on his mind anywhere near as much as it should have.

So... we’re pretending that the direct-to-TV Mean Girls 2 doesn’t exist then?

The world is a random place that cares naught for telling a good, fulfilling story. People can do everything right and fail due to bad luck. People can do everything wrong and succeed due to good luck, then go on to chide others about it.

SPOILER WARNING for endgame discussion:

Sadly, that won’t be possible. Judges are given immunity for decisions made in the course of their jobs, so they can’t be sued for bad decisions (no matter how bad). They can, however, be removed from the bench, but I can’t comment on exactly how that can happen (a recall petition maybe?).

The discussion is premature, but trans representation has been historically so bad that I think it’s forgivable if people are on edge and on the lookout for red flags. The original Catherine already stepped on a few big landmines with Erica (SPOILER WARNING: deadnaming her, having a shock reveal after a guy slept with

The only reason you should consider it is for your own safety, given the frequency of men having a bout of trans panic and taking it out the trans woman they just slept with.

One notable distinction is that with loot boxes, there’s no secondary market for the loot, while for any sort of physical object, there always is. This means that even people with addictive personalities are going to be well aware of a way they can simply shell out a flat amount to get the card they want (which for

If you really want to take the easy way out, learn Scots. It’s so close to English that the average English speaker can probably already understand most of it with a bit of effort (basically, imagine English spoken with a thick Scottish accent, only more so). The drawback is that it’s basically useless to learn unless

If anyone ever tries to claim to me again that Republicans actually care about balancing the budget, I’ll know exactly what event I can point them to to prove them horribly wrong.

Michelle Obama never wanted her husband to be president