
The problem there is that PC gaming is almost nonexistant in Japan. This means that for PC ports, we rely on a Japanese company looking to the global market, which has never been a strong suit of Japanese companies (Sony being the one big exception when it comes to video games). We’re lucky enough to get translations

Posting on behalf of my mum, here’s her precious pup, Keiki (which means “little one” in Hawaiian):

I wish someone like you had been there to warn me before I married Mr. Resetti...

That would require something explicitly illegal being done. While the Whitefish scandal might fit the bill for that, I’m not sure the general piss-poor response actually qualifies as illegal in any way. Given the number of people suffering and dying because of it, it damn well should count as mass murder, but the

The failure mode of “clever” is “asshole.” You failed at “clever.”

Over here in the UK, this has inspired people to speak out about abuses by members of Parliament and other government officials, so there’s one other “industry” which is seeing the fallout too. Even if the far-less-public subject of astrophysics research that I work in, an institutional bullying scandal broke news

I got a laugh once from a localization that decided to subvert the “actually 18" thing by just taking it to the ridiculous extreme: “Well, she might look 13, but she’s actually 32, so it’s fine.” Pretty obvious they were forced to age her up and decided they might as well highlight the ridiculousness of it.

Imagine being able to put “I deleted Donald Trump’s Twitter account” on your resume... Shouldn’t be hard to find a job with that, I’d hope.

There’s a good parallel here with the gaming industry. It seems in any highly-aspirational industry, people will take advantage of the fact that you really want to work for them and give you horrible pay and/or work conditions that would be intolerable in a more mundane job.

Hopefully she learned that it would be a good idea to also try teaching the lesson that money doesn’t grow on trees (followed by the appearance of a money tree). Then she could go to NASA and teach that them what goes up must come down (followed by the development of anti-gravity technology). So many lessons, so

Normally no, but it’s not impossible. This actually happened with Roe v. Wade - the appeals process took so long that the plaintiff had already given birth by the time it was heard at the Supreme Court (a year after she discovered she was pregnant), but they decided to hear it anyway so they could weigh in on the

The BBC made a big mistake over a decade ago, yup. That doesn’t mean they can’t correct the failings that led to that though, or that they aren’t generally accurate despite the occasional mistake (however bad the results of it may be).

And besides, can you point to a more reliable news source?

There has to be a twist...

Don’t forget about Pittsburgh, especially after the way they shot back at Trump when he tried to use them as an excuse to ditch the Paris Climate Accords.

I like telling people like you to look up, so they can catch sight of the joke flying over their heads.


Well, cat owners. I don’t think we’ve figured out yet whether cats themselves prefer making a mess or having and infinitely spinning roll of toilet paper.

No one said anything about not buying the game. The emulator cuts out the PS3, but you still need a game to play on it.

The fact that that was on the list of options and “See if you can get a lover with his consent (consider consensual polyamory)” wasn’t on the list was a big problem there though.

“You do realize copyright is a use it or lose it system right?”