
Which makes using them for a wiki, which is built around the principle than anyone can edit to fix mistakes, possibly the worst possible use for them.

After finding out more about this, I have to go back on what I said here. Apparently there was a message on the website for Firewatch that explicitly gave permission to Lets Players to stream it and monetize those streams. That changes things a lot; they can’t give that right and then retroactively take it away and

Yeah, it is weird. But it’s really a case of an existing legal arrangement being shoehorned to work for her situation. This kind of reminds me of how, before gay marriage was legalized in the US, there was one couple where one legally adopted the other to secure rights they’d otherwise have gotten through marriage. In

From what I heard about her conservatorship, she was actually quite happy with the arrangement; it wasn’t forced on her against her will. Not sure if it’s still going on, but hey, if it works for her, I’m not going to say she shouldn’t be in it anymore.

It’s not simply a DMCA issue, but a question of whether or not LPs are copyright infringement or an example of fair use. When it’s not fair use, the DMCA is working as intended to expediently take down infringing content; it’s only a misuse of the DMCA when fair use isn’t considered (or, as in the Alex Mauer debacle,

*offers hugs* I have family in the Houston area, so I know the feeling. Hold tight, and save your emotional energy for the aftermath as much as possible - they’ll need all the support they can get if their homes are destroyed.

It’s not that simple. All units can awaken to a higher tier, and pretty much any unit worth using in end-game content can be awakened to 6*. But some units start out at higher tiers than others, and those who start out higher are a lot rarer. 4* base units are about 1/4 as common as 3* base units, and 5* base units

Am I the only one who wants to give these glass-house dwellers some stones to throw?

On the subject of cables, don’t fall into the trap of buying premium HDMI cables. The HDMI standard generally either works or it doesn’t (with very, very rare, but noticeable cases of it marginally working). If you don’t see anything obviously wrong with the picture, a fancy, hundred-dollar golden HDMI cable isn’t

We’re comparing him to Trump here. And the sad part is, it isn’t even a joke that way. Just a sad, sad statement of fact.

I recall hearing in a past story about this that Steam has constraints of their own, and it isn’t as simple as decided to allow porn. My best guess there is that it has to do with the payment processors they use, since most common (and cheap) ones don’t allow porn purchases, since they consider it too risky (so I’ve

Spending time and money on yourself to keep yourself mentally and physically healthy is hardly wasted. Don’t feel guilty about that; it will only add to the strain. Just keep at it; it sounds like you’re already doing what you can to resist the tide. It’s not at the point yet where we have to give up any semblance of

The Scots would like to have a word with you about calling their language French.

Well, aside from “y’all” if you’re from the south. Or “you all” from anywhere else. Or “you” if you haven’t gotten the memo that “thou” is out of fashion or are trying to bring it back.

Thanks for the sympathies. The rest of my family was caught in it, and my mother and sister had to evacuate. Keeping them alive and safe is one thing, but the flood damage is going to destroy a lot of childhood memories that we just can’t back, sadly.

You know what? I’m usually pretty civil here, but my mother and sister are both in the Houston area right now. Both voted straight D in the last election, and definitely believe in global warming.

It’s been a principle of law for centuries that punishments should be based on actions, not thoughts. Which is the better person: A pedophile who realizes it’s wrong and never abuses children in their life, or a non-pedophile who does abuse children (for any of the many reasons rapes are committed)? I can’t conscience

The good news: A European release date has been confirmed. The bad news: It’s 2 August 2027, and region-locked to only the southern tip of Spain.