
Unless the destination is “the garbage dump” or “beneath an outhouse,” relocation isn’t good enough.

The letter-writer identified himself as “Captain Dunce-hat,” which is the source of CDH here.

That sounds like arguing to me.

The difference is, there’s no limitation to which products can be used there. Any company can in principle sponsor a player or team. But if Super Smash Bros. Melee is an olympic event, then Nintendo gets the benefits of sponsorship without even having to pay for it. Which means a whole lot of incentive for

“Away From Keyboard”

Which they really should have anticipated, and found a solution for ahead of time (such as numerous wi-fi hotspots throughout the area for fest goers.

One general warning: When looking at popular shows and considering getting into them, be aware that a lot are popular because they’re deconstructions or parodies of popular genres, and so you’ll likely miss the point if you start with them. If you haven’t seen a hundred transported-to-a-fantasy-world shows, you’ll

My trick is to take so long to solve it that the timer rolls over and starts counting up from zero again.

It’s possible they have a deal in place to allow this, similar to how Hulk Hogan has to license “Hulk” from Marvel Comics.

It’s not true universally that you can enter on a yellow light (unless it turns too late for you to safely stop). I posted an excerpt of Oregon’s rules contradicting this in another comment above. Since this happened in Florida though, I just went and checked on them as well (

It actually happens all the time with traffic accidents. They have rules of thumb they go by to assign fault, and only go against them when there’s hard evidence to the contrary (eg. when one car rear-ends another, they assume the in the rear is at fault unless it can be proven the one in front was doing something

Laws vary slightly from place to place, but the general rule is that you can only enter on a yellow if, when it turns yellow, you can’t come to a controlled stop before the intersection. If you could have stopped but didn’t, then it is running a yellow (though it’s possible certain regions will have slightly differing

The legality isn’t in limbo: It’s still illegal (but perhaps it shouldn’t be). But if none of the companies here care enough to make easy money by licensing it out, none of them are going to care enough about lost sales due to piracy to go after individuals who pirate it.

So wait, you said out loud something along the lines of “No don’t, that’s too hot,” and the translator decided that because the source of this statement was an unimportant person (insert eyeroll here) the warning about something being dangerously hot was therefore also unimportant? Do unimportant where they come from

A fixed but extremely large number of outcomes. We’re talking about a 5.51 second run, which at 30 fps is 165 frames long (not even counting the portion before the timer starts). Even a 1-button game of that length has 2^165 different possible outcomes (roughly 10^50, or

They’re Northern Irish (but not North Irish, which is what you call someone from the north part of Ireland). Roughly half also identify simply as “Irish,” and the other half as “British,” and many will be offended if you pick the wrong one of those two.

There’s enough American influence over here now that many fast-food places call chips “fries” on their menus. Whether people say that or “chips” more often when ordering is something I can’t answer, as I don’t work there, but the fact that it’s “fries” on the menus probably tells you that’s pretty common now.

Let’s not forget about the Trance system, either. That needed a tweak where it could be triggered on demand (and perhaps balanced around this). The story could also use a couple tweaks - Freya fades from relevance after the first disk; it feels like her planned story was cut. And there needed to be some sort of

In the current US system with underfunded public defenders, habitual overcharging to scare people into settling, and juries predisposed to a just-world fallacy to think that (just like you seem to) anyone arrested must be guilty... anyone who somehow manages to get a “not guilty” verdict is probably not only actually