
I honestly hope she doesn’t go to jail for this, for the sake of her children. Yes, this was ridiculously stupid, but she was hounded into it by her now-deceased boyfriend, and there was no indication she would have done something like this otherwise. And after this has happened, I don’t think she poses a risk to

Problem is, they’re eager enough to do something anyway. This means that instead of deportation of undocumented immigrants only, they’ll also deport anyone who commits the crime of looking Mexican and not being able to prove they’re legal residents.

The Brexit negotiations are at the point where if May took John Oliver up on his suggestion to appoint Lord Buckethead* as chief Brexit negotiator, it would actually make the UK look like less of a laughing stock, as at least then we’d be in on the joke.

It’s also sexist as hell. A woman was arrested for making kayaks out of giant 3D printings of her vulva for art, and this was even held up as constitutional in the courts. Meanwhile, the city of Nagaoka puts on an annual festival featuring a giant pink penis.

Okay, moral dilemma here. I vote in Texas, so my senators are Ted Cruz and John Cornyn. Cornyn’s establishment to the core, so there’s basically no way he’s not voting for this bill. Cruz, however, might refuse to vote for it because it doesn’t go far enough, doing what I see as the right thing for the wrong reasons.

Just be careful. The last person who tried that flew too close to the sun on wings of pastrami.

That might not have existed, but no reason we can’t start it here.

From episodes 5 and 6, it really sounds like Jason’s been working himself to the bone at E3. I hope he’ll get some much needed rest now that it’s over!

On the flip side, the fact that they couldn’t come to a verdict either way means that there was at least one person on the jury (likely more) who wasn’t willing to back down from a guilty verdict, so it’s not the whole jury to blame here. And to be honest, I was expecting to be disappointed by an acquittal, so I’ll

Nintendo did do something like that actually, with Miiverse stamps that were unlocked through in-game actions.

It’s because people want the built-in fanbase that comes with a franchise. When you make an independent game, awesome ones usually rise to the top, but there are so many out there today that simply good ones get forgotten and overlooked. Appealing to a built-in fanbase is an easy way to get people to play your game

Nope. It does have some easter eggs hidden in the source, or events that are a lot easier to access by hacking into save files and modifying some values, but the True/Best ending is easily obtainable through normal play.

A couple weeks ago, they sent out a survey asking us questions like what characters we’d like to see more of (Samus was on the list) and what games series we’d like more of (Metroid was not on the list). I assumed this meant they’d completely given up on the franchise, but were still planning to keep Samus around in Sm

You don’t need to squeeze your legs together, you just have to keep them from spreading all the way out. I spent an hour yesterday in the subway with one corner of a suitcase between my legs and managed not to take up more than one seat of room.

Follow-up now that the results are in: Mostly right, but it looks like I counted out the DUP too soon. For those not familiar with Northern Irish politics, they’re a hard-right party who are strongly pro-union. The Conservatives need 8 more seats to form a government, and the DUP got a surprising 10 this election

Basically, it’s horrible for the Conservatives and only good compared to the alternative for everyone else. As Mortal Dictata said, no one can form a coalition unless something ridiculous happens and another party allies with the Conservatives, but the only way I can even theoretically see that happening is if the

Perversely, there’s an odd incentive for scammers to make scams as transparent as possible at the outset. If anyone even slightly savvy hangs up immediately, then they don’t have to waste time with people who will catch on later. If they can focus all their time on people who don’t see through the incredibly obvious

Until yesterday, Nintendo fans would have said the same thing. This is possibly the first time ever Nintendo has listened to customer complaints. Sony actually has a history of occasionally listening, so don’t give up there.

There’s a person in real life named “North West.” Unless... is this just more evidence we’re in a simulation ourselves? Worse: A badly-localized one?

Now I’m curious about what the equivalent would be for other countries. Maybe an epic Scottish showdown between Harrharrharr, the laughing fog monster, and Locnessie, the invisible lake dragon.