
And to think, it was almost twenty years ago now that we trying to figure out what “is” means. In a few more millennia, we should have this language finally figured out!

One tip I’ve heard is to spin around 360 degrees when you feel like you’re about to wake up. No idea why it works, but it has worked in the past for me.

That’s a good point. Perhaps we should indeed adopt “they/them” as singular, and then take a cue from those examples and use “th’all” as plural. It’ll be sophisticated as fuck.

It would be absolute chaos if English speakers started using “they” and “them” as singular pronouns - it would cause far too much ambiguity. Just imagine the chaos that would unfold if English ever dropped the singular “thou” and “thee” and simply used the plural “you” all the time! /s

It’s not like Nintendo ever intended for hacked systems to work with online services; they just haven’t been able to reliably detect them. Nothing stupid about that - hackers will always try to get around whatever detections are in place.

Here’s a question: Can they access the E-shop to redownload games they’ve already purchased?

I’m not sure from your comment if you mean to express disbelief that Belarus could be led by a dictator, or sarcastic disbelief at it. If it’s the latter, never mind. If it’s the former, do you believe the most recent Presidential election there was at all fair?

It’s also worth bringing up the planning fallacy as a contributing factor here. People have a tendency to underestimate how long it will take to complete something. Even when they take this into account, the extended deadline will cause them to think they have extra time and can afford to take it slowly, iterate more,

She was legally cleared of treason, so no, she’s not a traitor.

I feel like Persona 5 would be a more appropriate first-game-out after being imprisoned for an attempt to fight corrupt institutions, but I suppose a lot of people aren’t JRPG fans.

The important thing is you’ve found a way to feel superior to both sides.

A good point. I find in these conversations that the conversation of “Is this censorship?” often overwhelms the more relevant conversation of “Is this good or bad?” Maybe this is censorship, maybe it isn’t. But what matters is, Nintendo is removing an offensive (to some cultures they’re trying to sell to) gesture from

You must have missed the... um... “compelling” parts about Haru’s personality. Granted, the game only has a small sprinkling of them, but that makes them all the more special when you find them. An example conversation that can be triggered randomly:

So you’re saying that we can’t address small problems until we solve every bigger problem in the world? Should I stop vacuuming my apartment until we solve global warming, then?

I’m probably the real outlier here. I play it in handheld mode, always. Even when I’m at home. I have a dock, but I only use it for charging; it’s not even hooked up to the TV. Perhaps once I’ve played through my last couple of Wii U games (Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Paper Mario), the Switch can take its place, but

The Anime cutscenes are nice, but I was always put off by the fact that they duplicate events shown in-game as well, which kind of steals the impact when eg. Crono sacrifices himself the second time. It would have been nice if perhaps there had been a menu option to toggle showing anime scenes, in-game, or both.

Well, you’re forgetting about the time they added the definition “figuratively” to the word “really.” Or the time they added the definition “figuratively” to the word “truly.” Or the time they added the definition “figuratively” to the word “verily” (and shortened it to “very”).

Yeah, it can, but it’s ridiculously tight.

If on a new game+, starting with the increased social stats, definitely. On a regular new game, barely, but you’ll almost certainly have to follow a guide.

If you even have a capture card. Sure, they say you can do it before 7/7 (now 11/19), but it’s still disabled throughout the whole game. Very generous. /snark