
I think most people who say they’ve done it without a guide still have some knowledge. Just knowing that Temperance and Fortune can help you get extra time, and then prioritizing them, goes a long way to getting everything done in time.

Just maxing all confidants won’t show you all of the story, as that includes hang-out events that don’t rank you up. Even the 100% guide says you’ll have to make some trade-offs, and most people are going to play far below optimal (which requires good knowledge ahead of time of roughly how much to focus on social

Can we drop the use of “Mary Sue” as a way to insult a character we don’t like? It’s really jumped the shark at this point if Makoto can be called a Mary Sue.

It’s not all, or even close to it. I actually ended up getting it without trying. I think the biggest trick is that you need to play reasonably often with all party members, so she’ll comment on them. If you stuck to just a few characters, then you’ll be missing out on a lot.

If you can manage the difficulty of the original P3 (FES), then you can emulate that on most modern computers (using the original disk, so no need to break any laws).

Including Aigis and Elizabeth, who they forgot to remove the romantic/sexual subtext from. It’s kinda sad that accidental gay is the only gay we get, but at least it’s better than what P5 has to offer in that realm.

Not always, no. Generally what people swatting do is use some type of service (being vague here because I’m not going to give anyone tips) that masks their real number. Police have to take this type of thing seriously even if the caller is hiding their identity (and there are legitimate reasons to call through these

That’s law specific to trademarks, not copyright, so it only applies to games which use one of Nintendo’s trademarks in the title (such as Pokemon Uranium). The IP itself is covered by copyright, so if a game is made that eg. uses the Zelda IP but none of the trademarks in the title or branding, then Nintendo wouldn’t

“You can’t trust people to look up the sources of quotes to confirm, though.”

So does this mean we can finally stop hearing about how she scammed people out of their money for this project?

Well, his previous goal was to be an e-sports pro, so he’s got experience with “ambitious bordering on impractical.”

Except... this post wasn’t written by Jason. The conspiracy must go deeper than we thought!

Quite interesting. I actually did a bit of ROM hacking myself, a few years after this, though it was just playing around to see how things work. By that time, tools were available that helped immensely with translation. You could load a ROM into a file and view the hex* code alongside what it meant (if someone else

I suppose a lot of dark clouds means a lot of silver linings.

Hmm... you know, it occurs to me that a lot of territory in North America was stolen from the natives. What would you say to a kind request from them that all the European invaders and their descendants kindly clear out?

Well... she didn’t consciously choose the costume even in-universe. It just magically appears on her, and the first time it does, she’s notable put off by how much cleavage it bares.

My charitable interpretation is that for once someone is taking to heart the first rule of holes: When you find yourself in one, stop digging. If nothing else, she’s not digging herself deeper, which she likely would do if she tried to say anything on this before figuring out why what she did was wrong.

It’s not just that they want them to die. They want them to die painfully. It’s been known for a long while that you can execute / euthanize people painless through nitrogen suffocation (in regular suffocation, the buildup of CO2 in the blood causes discomfort, but this doesn’t happen in nitrogen suffocation, so it

It’s also practically a tautology that the rich are attractive. Societal standards of attractiveness have historically been focused on indicators of wealth. When food was scarce, being fat was considered attractive as only the rich could eat enough to get fat. Now the situation has reversed, and the cheapest food is

The catch is, the Fair Use doctrine allows streamers legal ground to broadcast at least portions of it in the context of review, comment, criticism, or satire. Fair Use is murky, and generally the more you broadcast, the less leg you have to stand on, but it would certainly protect someone who decides to stream eg. a