
EULA’s aren’t magic. There are actually quite a lot of limits on what you can be held to in them, and they don’t override other consumer protections, or the Fair Use doctrine necessarily. It’s a huge legal grey area though, unfortunately, and pretty much every Fair Use case has to be fought in court rather than being

They’re trying to copy Nintendo. Apparently the path to success in Japan is to make awesome games and treat your customers like thieving scum for wanting to share gameplay moments with each other.

Worst I’ve seen is a fake announcement for a Tales of Vesperia remake for PS4. Not particularly funny, and just makes people wish it were real.

That helps most children... emphasis on “most.” For some (including myself, according to my parents), it actually makes them hyperactive on a plane. So, it’s worth being prepared for a worst-case scenario that it actually makes things worse.

You can bet players would love that type of system.

Or we’d have all been playing it on the Wii U six months ago, when it was finished.

Yeah, if it just weren’t for that anti-Superman initiative of his, I could give him my full support. Still a lot better than Trump, though.

The fact that the dress code never specifically mentions gender does not mean it can’t be discriminatory. The problem is that certain articles which are more often worn by women than men are more tightly policed than articles more often worn by men. Imagine an extreme example, where the dress code expressly forbade

They dipper their toe in with one bare butt in the original ME. And there was a huge media freakout with Fox News calling the game essentially a sex simulator. I wouldn’t be surprised if that scared them off for ME 2-3 and DA2.

It’s worth remembering Scalzi’s Law: The failure mode of “clever” is “asshole.” In my case, this just baffled me, but I can see how some people might take it the exact wrong way.

No moons have moonlets of their own - the gravitational interactions with the main body mean that there generally aren’t any stable orbits (it’s not physically impossible, but to have a stable orbit, they’d have to be of extremely low mass and thus difficult to detect). There are, however, three “trojan” moons in the

He got called out for joke stealing and then basically disappeared off the face of the earth. He did a couple of comedy things while on his career plummet, and apparently now he co-owns a restaurant chain.

So, just to add confusion with the game that was called Mystic Quest in NA?

Secret of Mana itself is number 2; number one was retitled Final Fantasy Adventure in when released in the west (and later remade as Sword of Mana). So it goes:

From a capitalistic perspective, microtransactions are brilliant - the richer someone is, the more money you get from them. You no longer have to worry about balancing a price point between getting more people to pay and get more money per person who pays. Now you can get a ton of people and get more money from the

I’ve heard reports that some of the docks have the front part slightly tilted backward (possibly due to damage in manufacture or shipping), which makes scratching much more likely.

I don’t know; I wonder if there’s a memory bias in play here. How many anime do you remember from the 90s? Probably only the standout great ones and personal favorites. That doesn’t mean there weren’t any uninspired rip-offs being made then; it just means that their mediocrity resulted in them being forgotten two

There are real-world stories of how this plays out in practice, actually. My favorite example is back in World War II, with the tank production strategies of the Americans compared to the Germans. For the Germans, whenever they came up with a new improvement, they immediately added it to their production lines,

From talking with some people who do this, my impression isn’t that it’s insecurity in their own sexuality, but rather a firm belief in a perfect sex/gender binary (determined by chromosomes). This is the belief that has to be broken before any progress can be made getting them to actually treat trans people with