
<blockquote>...a proper Union Jack on her shoulder.</blockquote> 

What, because cancer hasn’t been cured yet we can’t be excited by anything else in life?

No more block puzzles? =( Am I the only one who liked them?

I think Lollipop Chainsaw did the same thing, and even gave you a trophy for doing it enough.

As said by John Scalzi, the failure mode of “clever” is “asshole.” Pewdiepie failed at clever, and now he’s reaping the fallout.

I’ve decided to embrace absurdism. It’s basically the philosophy of realising that the universe is vast and meaningless, and yet humans strive to find meaning in it anyway. The only rational course of action is to accept that, and go ahead with what you find meaningful anyway. So, in this case, it means accepting what

I understand that it’s bad for her, but it could be just as bad (or worse) for other victims if the sentencing did take their wishes into account. Imagine a case where a famous person rapes someone. If it’s known that the case will be dropped if the victim says they want it dropped, then that famous person’s fans are

I can’t even remember the last time a full game directed by Nomura was released - according to Wikipedia, it was KH:DDD back in 2012. He seems to have entered a stage of his career where his projects’ scopes grow faster than his team can work on them. So, I wouldn’t expect this to come out until SE has enough with the

Not according to Remi, and I think she’d be more of an expert on that than you.

If you want to be fair to trans people, you accept it when they tell you whether they’re a guy or a gal, and don’t correct them on it. Remi says she’s a gal - let’s take her at her word.

The lack in <i>almost</i> all of the other games - FFXIII-2 had platforming shoehorned in to the final area.

I have photographic evidence that differs.

You want to know one other thing that really sucks? The key thing that’s changed since the Obama era is that back then, undocumented immigrants with gang ties etc. were targeted first. Now effort is being wasted on people who are doing no harm. So not only are they ruining the lives of harmless people, they’re leaving

The mishandling isn’t just taking a long while to release new Pokemon. It also includes (but is sadly not limited to):

Blizzard has this worse for another reason as well: They’ve been wrong* in the past about this sort of thing, and that’s bred distrust in the community.

There are extremists in every political movement, so I have no trouble believing that there’s someone who would call that racists. They are not, however, representatives of it, and the fact that you choose to assume they are says a lot about you.

I always have trouble getting back into a game after I’ve stopped playing it, so this makes things awkward for me. Now I have to decide whether I’ll give up on playing the DLC, or wait until it’s out before even starting the game. Given that there’s not much else on the Switch I want until this fall, waiting might

With my 3DS, I’ve used it to look up game tips when I’m stuck on something and don’t happen to have something more convenient to look it up on.

Um... “Biological sex doesn’t exist” and “women who are smaller and weaker than men” are kind of contradictory statements.
