
Sure, they managed to make millions off of it, but the initial surge of interest showed that it was easily a billion-dollar idea; there’s plenty more that could have been made. They screwed up a lot (essays could be written about the myriad ways they screwed up), but they can still make more money by turning the game

The problem is that it’s used to disparage people for their height because it’s used to refer to little people. If I could wave a wand today and convince everyone to start using “foobar” as the new acceptable term for little people, then by tomorrow people would start using “foobar” as a way to disparage short people,

I believe in a case like this, the only thing that can be done is to file a lawsuit. And due to standing rules, it has to be an injured party who does so. In this case, any competitor to her Ivanka Trump’s business could lay claim to being injured by this, so they’d have a good argument for standing. So, the thing to

There is the key difference that real gambling businesses are tightly regulated in most places, and are usually required to post the odds or expected payout. This is not the case for chance-based microtransactions like in this game (except in a few places now), which leads for more opportunity for abuse like putting a

Similarly with any sentence that starts with “I’m not a ____, but...” (which I always mentally edit to “I’m a ____ butt.”)

Well, when thinking about it, the most likely comments came down to joking about it or complaining about the article being published, and I decided on joking being a bit more likely. Your comment seemed to lean more toward that end, even if it wasn’t an obvious joke, so I gave myself the point on calling it.

I had a bet with myself while reading this article, that the first comment would be joking about the likelihood that Nintendo would DMCA this. I won that bet - thanks!

When they weren’t in power, Republicans exploited every possible loophole in the rules to get their way. Now that they’re in power, they don’t even care to find loopholes in the rules - they just flat-out ignore them.

Click on the words “early access” in the post to see the Steam page, with some more info on it.

If your state is in such a sorry state, then how many immigrants do you think will want to go there? They’ll go to another state with better prospects, pay taxes there, and then (due to the way the US works) that money will be redistributed to poorer states like yours.

If the majority of them were white, and it made exceptions for non-white people in those countries... that kind of sounds like an attempt to ban white people specifically. Swap in “Muslim” for “white” and you have the current scenario.

Would, but only if they’ll agree to put together an Ed Milliband and Dave Milliband Steve Miller Band cover band.

Well, if people are phoning to complain about those things, you phoning in to support them will weigh against the complainers, so I’d say it’s still worth it. You can also encourage them to take a more hard-line stance about important issues.

In the real world, fusion bombs combine deuterium (the heavy isotope of hydrogen) into helium in the fusion step of the reaction. But with how violent the reaction is, you’re going to have a lot of free alpha and beta particles shooting out (helium cores and electrons, respectively), which can be a serious radiation

This is why Mercury is warmer than Venus - it’s closer to the sun, so it gets more light and is heated up more.

I’m so sorry for your loss. *offers many hugs* When my family’s dog passed away, what helped me most was reminding myself that the time we spent together would always be a part of me, and so I would never be truly without her. I hope you’ll be able to get through this alright.

You know, just last week I was joking about a commenter on another site who referred to fetuses as children, saying that they used to be babies, and yet they keep getting older while still in the womb. I expected that they’d become teenagers next, but somehow they’ve skipped straight to being women. At this rate, next

Also of note: If you (like me) are an American citizen but currently live abroad, you can still vote in national elections, so don’t let that discourage you from contacting your representatives in the House and Senate. Normally, the last place in the US you lived will determine your representatives, so give them that

Random fun fact: The US is actually the 3rd largest country by land; it’s the 4th largest by total territory. Canada is the 2nd largest by territory, but it has so much inland freshwater that it falls to 4th (under China and the US) by land. So, that makes your argument one whole country stronger. ;)

Perhaps I misspoke: the vast majority of good sites are in the North, thanks mostly to all the land being there. In addition to that, the fact that so much of the human population is in the northern hemisphere means that there are a lot of smaller telescopes in sub-optimal but convenient sites, and these get a lot of