
I’m pretty certain that compromise isn’t “I’ll end-run your talking points and adopt them for myself in hopes that you can’t get your shit together to come up with new ones and your voters will become my voters too.” I’d call that triangulation.

Now playing

Especially when Dems hold the minority position in both houses.

But an election is selling the ideals to the voting base. Compromise is what is needed after you win to make steps towards that goal. I feel like her mistake was not just that she was realistic, but that realism was the upper limit of her message.

Actually, I started fighting when this person said:

Yeah, it’s just an unachievable pipe dream...

Yeah, this sort of wishful thinking is absurd. Does anyone genuinely believe that a GOP Congress would work with an HRC White House?

What on Earth do those supporters have to learn? I hate this nonsense bullshit argument. Voters do not owe the party anything. If the candidate can’t get voters on their side, that’s the fault of the candidate, and no one else.

Yeah, it’s just an unachievable pipe dream that couldn’t even be achieved by some random center-right nation like Germany.

We’re talking about getting elected. Trump just got elected by saying he was going to “make America great again.” That’s pretty fucking simple.

Yes... isn’t that the point? You are quite dense. Trump just won the election fueled entirely on promises of change. Someone like Sanders could win. In fact, he probably would have, if things weren’t quite so crooked.

An ideologue who can convey good ideas clearly to a democratic society should work out just fine. Unfortunately people like you sabotage them with your penchant for risk-averse behavior. I am guessing you are older and established. You are scared of change because you are in a good situation. Fair enough, nothing

I really hope that hardcore Bernie- and Stein- supporters have learned something from this election.

Civil Unions is a pragmatic solution to the question of “are gays allowed to marry?” Did we settle for that? Should we have?

Compromise is absolutely how you govern, but hopes and goals is how you campaign. If you start a negotiation already sitting in the middle, then you have nowhere to go but towards the other parties desires.
That’s why it’s important to start with some actual transformative goals rather than just stating a desire for

I hope the DNC learned something from this election, not third party supporters.

That is a demonstrably false statement and you can look at any number of policy positions that the Clinton campaign either adopted or changed because of Bernie. There is copious amounts of evidence in the DNC email leak—a $15 per hour minimum wage is one example.

Uhhh... no. Universal healthcare matters. Alot. Taxing the rich matters. The USA is becoming a bad place. Clinton represented keeping the train moving. Sanders represented holding the train hostage until we can agree upon a new track. Trump represented going off the rails.

Hillary, you were qualified. You’d probably have been a good president if not a great one.

This is a bad take.

I swear can we just have the Clintons locked in a pyramid forever? It wasn’t James Comey and the Russians that made you spend most of the campaign selling access in the Hamptons to Jimmy Buffet while the tangerine terror was barnstorming the midwest. Your legacy is losing what should have been an electoral slam dunk