
They warned the Russians ahead of time for fucks sake. This is all just a distraction from bigger issues on the home front.

Trump probably did it to “prove” he has no ties to Putin.

No it’s on a Pegasus from Etheria (seriously She-Ra was the most slyly gay friendly show from my younger days). But great for this couple. No-one should have to put up with that nonsense.

See, I’d call it better in progressive terms than Reality Bites. Reality Bites is more about packaged rebellion against “the man” than about real change, especially with the Ethan Hawke v. Ben Stiller choice where Ben is the bad guy even though Ethan treats Winona like crap. Plus, the whole main cast is white and

They spent the last 35 years demonizing the federal government.

Get the fuck out!

I think you may be right.... ;)

A little known fact is that the EPA is in charge of monitoring the use of pesticides in our food supply. I guess the repubs want everybody to buy organic.

And thousands of people would then go on unemployment. Republicans not so bright.

This. It is opposite of Keynesian economics.

Cowboy,, blacksmith, buggy whip maker.

Only tough guy jobs count in Trumpmerica — coal miners, factory workers, military.

I want to know how many jobs are projected to be lost, and compare them to all the new factory jobs that he is claiming credit for.

Yep, cutting good paying government jobs which in turn kills the economy. Poor people don’t buy things, they can’t afford to. Rich people don’t buy things here, they can afford not to. Middle-class people drive the economy and when you start taking away those middle class jobs (like many government jobs are), those

Ugh, yeah. but you know, the only jobs that count are Approved White Man jobs. And no white guys work for EPA. At least not the manly ones. Just my friends from ag school.

Yeah but those aren’t “real” jobs.

According to WaPo this would translate to 3,200 fewer jobs at the EPA, but it would probably also involve a long, complicated, and expensive process to actually reduce the workforce.

trump bringing back jobs to the american people...

Yeah, even Congressional Republicans aren’t going to play ball with this. There are bits they will push through but a lot of it will be rolled back.