
My parents used this one on me when I was a kid, too.

Greg Palast thinks so, mainly via voter roll purging/caging:

Well sure, basically it can be distilled down to the fact that voters simply liked Obama more than they did Clinton. But to your point about how tribalism relates to the Democratic coalition, I’m afraid we’ve become more fractured and less willing to listen to other points of view within our own party. If there is a

the coalition that was melded together to elect Barack Obama drifted just far enough apart that a small number of voters switched allegiance and another slug of voters just wasn’t interested enough in showing up to vote.

Oh wait...someone did try to do that!!

Well, I mean., the whole point of formalizing policy into legislation is that you have the rule of law behind it. How successful a law is in having the desired outcome is dependent on how well it is conceived and implemented and rigorously and effectively you enforce it.

Their situation is unlikely to change, since the TPP didn’t include any enforcement mechanism to go along with the much-touted better labor protections for developing countries.

Does this mean we get a do-over?

Joseph Stiglitz has written some good think tank stuff critical of the TPP. You are probably correct, though about the average person opposed to the TPP. I think it has become shorthand for some of the problems of globalization. I’m not opposed to globalization, but we need to be smarter about it and not hand the keys

They didn’t “overwhelmingly vote for Clinton.” Hillary underperformed among lower income voters, especially in the Rust Belt. Per NYT exit polling Clinton won 53% of under $30K of and 51% of $30-50K. Obama won those income brackets by 63% and 57%, respectively. Those voters should be an easy target for Democrats.

Hillary underperformed among lower income voters, especially in the Rust Belt. Obama won 63% of under $30K and 57% of $30-50K. Clinton won those income brackets by 53% and 51%. And although she won those “concerned about the economy”, Trump won those who said “my financial situation has gotten worse in the last 4

Who are these mysterious far-left voters you’re referring to? Because I’ve never heard anyone take those positions, and I spend a lot of time on /r/politics, where you see just about every position imaginable.

Supporting liberalized trade in an academic sense and support for trade agreements is not necessarily synonymous, though. Many of the IP provisions in the TPP are actually protectionist, especially with regard to pharma patents.

There’s a difference between free trade as a broad academic concept and the specific trade agreements like NAFTA and the TPP that we’ve seen over the past 20 years. These agreements have little to do with free trade. They are not about eliminating trade barriers, they are heavily tilted towards capital over labor,

Who’s arguing that Trump isn’t corrupt? And I never said it was about optics. Let me repeat, it’s not personal corruption, it’s systemic corruption. The way the Clinton’s operate has become the norm in Washington, and people are fed up with it. They didn’t vote for Trump because they thought he was less corrupt, they

See my response below to address your “false narrative” claim.

No, it’s really not. sure, a lot of the attacks on Clinton were bullshit. But the email thing was serious enough that she was under FBI investigation and threat of indictment. Regardless of the fact that the whole investigation came about as part of the GOP Benghazi witch hunt, the misconduct was real, Not criminal

I would have happily gotten behind Warren or Biden. There was still time for a course correction though the convention, but all criticism of Clinton was shouted down by people who wildly underestimated her potential problems as a candidate.

It’s a “false narrative” that she was a flawed candidate after she just got BTFO by the most unpopular candidate in history. JFC you’re delusional.

I said she underperformed among those voters. Obama won 63% of under $30K and 57% of $30-50K. Clinton won those income brackets by 53% and 51%. Clearly I’m misinformed.