
I HATE european/American wedding dresses. They are always so unflattering, the boob area always looks a hot mess, bulging arm fat, armpit clevage, plus white on white skin!? Whose idea was that?

In Nigeria people design their own wedding dresses from scratch, it costs about $300 including fabric (or more or less

But thats exactly part of the problem. I mean how will these people ever become big casting names if they are never given roles or press attention. There was a time when Emma Stone too was a nobody, its time to let nobody minorities get their come up too just like she did.

yup, the director said he got Carey and not a hispanic looking lady because he thought Carey looked more sympathetic and like she needed to be protected. Take from that what you will.

PoC have been unfairly discriminated against and barred from creating media and cultural content. This can be something as major as everyone being slaves and it being against the law for them to learn to read and write right up to more minor incidents such as the press never talking about PoC celebrities but making a

Why would I pay for an Apple Streaming service when Spotify is Free? Apple are already so rich why would I want to put more money in their billionaire pockets? They are such vultures as well they keep breaking the law and are even currently under investigation from the DoJ for trying to illegally destroy other

Yes I saw that! it would not surprise me at all if they were the ones behind the now very obvious smear campaign of Tidal, criticising the streaming app is one thing but the media really went overkill. Do you remember that story about Bey’s music being removed from Tidal, it was 100% lies the CEO of sony even released

Omg i went to paris last summer, people are putting locks on everything now, anything lockable now has a lock. There were even locks on the fencing surrounding the Princess Diana memorial.

I posted this above but ill repaste it here......It turns out much like the Marina Abramovic situation this story is all lies, the Sony CEO even released a statement.

It turns out much like the Marina Abramovic situation this story is all lies, the Sony CEO even released a statement.

start a go fund me!

Private schools in the UK still receive millions in public money. It is extremely rare to find a private school that is 100% privately funded.

You know I saw a great episode of Dr Phil that showed a New York Hasidic woman trying to get a divorce, it was crazy. Apparently they sign some sort of contract before marriage so their divorce can only be adjudicated by a hascidic judge and obvs the judge ruled everything not in her favour. I don’t remember all the

Be kind to Lil Kim, Makeup and hair products were terrible for black women in the 90’s. All we could do was line our lips with brown eyeliner and hope for the best.

It’s when you dress religiously but still look damn fine because you glow with pizazz and confidence. I’m muslim and have had people say this to me, it’s usually non-muslims who don’t understand how I can still look like and have the personality of a normal young city girl despite covering my hair.

Well Kate Upton is only one year older 22 - ignore this because I just realised that Kate isn’t up for the role of a love interest

Between the Bachelor and the Bachelorette there have been 30 seasons and I think only 3 couples have stuck together. One of these three couples is with the contestant who came runner up not with the woman he actually chose on the show so I don’t even know if they count really.

Yeah thats fine but I hate the way the media portrays as this sweet lil ole underdog who just got lucky. Meanwhile people like I dunno, Jay-Z or even Justin Bieber who are actually underdogs get raked over the coals. Taylor Swift is an incredibly powerful woman from an incredibly powerful family, I don’t like it when

Did you read that article too? They talked all about Taylor’s growing up, how she became a popstar and how she is in no way the underdog that the media make her out to be. I knew she was rich but I didn’t realise she was banking dynasty rich. Also I had no idea that she wasn’t even southern and that she

Thin and tanning, and at the end of the day you look at them and they don’t even look all that. Like you go through all that effort to not eat and risk skin cancer & wrinkles and then you don’t even wowify it by wearing nice clothes or doing nice hair or makeup or even just generally glow with confidence.. Whats the