
My big problem with them is the lack of formal education. Not forcing them to go to school isn’t freedom, its actually trapping them in prison of inadequacy, stupidity and hinders them from being able to choose what they truly want to be in the future. Further I think children need to nuture and grow through

Ive never been to Mecca but many of my family have, they found it an amazing awakening spiritual experience and I myself can’t wait to go. I find Tabby Gevinson’s comments kind of, hum, Im not sure Im articulate enough to express what I want to express but I do wish he/she would stop typing.

What can i say you busted me - im just an uncultered zoot, not you who seems to view this lady artist with a mysterious reverence. Yet you say she’s the one with less power, lol, I would love to have that type of less power

Looool white people. Sure must be nice

You know I thought the exact same thing when I saw this article hence why I skipped it initially. Watching white people talk about omgdrugs is nauseating. As much as I love Broad City their scenes of smoking and holding weed in the street make me incredibly uncomfortable. It’s like a smack in your face reminder that

Sad, watching you scramble to still give her the benefit of the doubt is sad - yet you say Jay is the “powerfull” one. I wonder what life is like for those who can make totally baseless accusations and be instantly believed even when the accused has provided verified and accounted for receipts to prove otherwise, I

um haven’t you seen the latest update? Jayz did indeed help her institute and has receipts to prove it. She hasn’t said a word although her institute has apologised to both Jay z and to her in a formal letter. Thats what i meant when i said now that the truth has come out. Head over to defamer

“she argued that Jay Z was just monetizing high art cultural”

Marina aint no starving artist, she’s a multi mutli millionaire and is doing very well for herself (which I suppose is easy when you don’t pay your staff or your models). She owns several multi million dollar apartments across NYC and has lots of cash too. Now that the truth has come out it’s even more disgusting that

Lol omg, look at the latest update. It turns out Jay-Z did indeed make a huge donation to her institute and has receipts and a letter of thanks to prove it. Marina has apologised saying whoops she didn’t notice. She must be flush with donations and incoming payments not to notice a huge cheque from Jay Z.

Oooh interesting. so she’s a hustler too!


I actually can’t believe there are so many people commenting that we shouldn’t comment on her plastic surgery or general appearance at all. I mean please, she has a new face, like as in a completely different face and it looks non-human. I agree being OTT mean is unnecesary but saying people aren’t allowed to comment

It’s really sad. Insecurity can destroy you

Whilst I do think you sound like a pro Tidal robot I have to say the media attack against Tidal has been ridiculous, just bashing it for absolutely no reason. Fair critiques are fair critiques but the mainstream media went really OTT with it. It was almost as if to say how dare Jay-Z try to invest in tech and make

No one who experiences actual human faces on a daily basis could think this is a good transformation. You must live in LA, that’s the only place I’ve seen people actually desire the non human look.

I'll always root for brit. So happy to see her moving and performing like her old self.

I found her kind of annoying butive always thought she was super cute small boobs and all. She had kind of a weird ugly pretty about her. When that work video came out all I could think was hot hot hot. Damn, insecurity can really destroy you

Forget the lipsynching, can we talk about Iggy’s new face which she has just launched tonight! This is a before, below are the afters. Thats her with her plastic surgeon too, apparently he’s proud of his work and uploaded that image to his IG. (PS I love you Britney)

Love you Zendaya!