
Yaaaay, its always great to see female artists get the recognition they deserve. Don’t fall for the hype, these hoity toity rich art people are just as trashy, exploitative and sexist as rap, cinema or any other artistic industry.

ETA: Some photos of her and her work as the links aren’t working

Legal land owndership with deeds, titles and whatnot with land designated by governments and not by the people is a very European concept. Whilst no one there owns the land in a stereotypical European sense I would argue that the land already has owners. Further there may be people who live elsewhere who own that land

Sorry but I see 100% nothing blurring the boobs. I hate how everyone blindly bows down to these old white art dudes like everything they do is magical and golden and above any type of criticism. Sexualisation in rap videos is bad but old white guy art boobs are always okay!

Ohhhh, great link, io9 has also done some cool posts worth checking out which I give as a starter point for people who want to talk shit about African history.

I know, and its like obviously there are no actual Sudanese royalty to write about like Amanirenas who faught and won battles against the Romans and Egyptians or any other of the amazing Sudanese warrior princesses and queens. The title for these warrior queens was Kandake which is actually one of the origins of the

Well I heard on Wendy Williams that anyone working in healthcare, education or clergy can report it. She made a plea to any of her audience members in these three groups to please call the authorities. Can we also talk about how Tyga and Kylie crossed state and national lines and presumably had sex out of their state.

They always turn on their men once their done with them, it’s just a matter of time. Speaking of, poor Lamar. They totally destroyed his career and reputation by releasing that drugs thing, very sad. Why I don’t doubt he’s done some bad things dude has had an incredibly tough life, lots of trauma and death. I’m

The kardashian sisters would naturally be quite plump. They get lipo on everywhere apart from the butt to make it look larger. I think they also re inject some of the fat back into the butt. There is one picture in particular where you can very obviously see Khloe’s arm lipo scars. One of my friends got lipo and her

So was Trina but that didn’t stop Khloe going for French Montana.
It’s ickier when you look at pictures, it looks like they’re just hanging out but what you can’t see which is going on on a supernatural level is that the Kardashians are vampires and survive by absorbing black women’s identities.

Christina Millian - so sad, so desperate, she’s laying her claim as the official mistress meanwhile Lil wayne is engaged to someone else.

This song has CharlieXCX written all over it

wow he’s sooooo unnatractive, if I was Jlo and gonna get a sugar baby that wouldn’t be it. He’s also been seen cheating on her multiple times.

Jlo, Mariah and Britney all need to cut Wendy Williams a cheque because she planned this career move for them nearly a year ago. “No one is buying y’alls albums, you need to get a residency in vegas like Celine and perform all the classic favourites”. Wendy Williams also pretty much got Rosie Perez’s her job on the

You know even as a hippy dippy European I can confused about everyones blaséness about. This course is soooo wrong, it has nasty stamped all over it. I get the impression that a lot of American colleges try a little too hard to be artsy and down with it with porn courses, dildo demonstrations, masturbation

It’s her management. Straight up she needs to fire her management team. I mean for starters how was she not at the met ball!? How has she not been doing any interveiws or getting tabloid coverage on how she upgraded her boyfriend’s from someone with 7 baby mamas to someone who gets her invited to the White House.


Not only was that question not rhetorical but it was also a plea. As a police officer you have a lot of power. Protest, do interviews, contact the press, write an article for gawker, do something! Let people know that you're a police officer and you don't stand for this savagery either and you want all these gross

Aren’t you tired of you guy’s good names being spoilt by these rotten departments. Why don’t y’all speak out and join the growing movement calling for a clean up in the justice system. That’s not rhetorical Im genuinly curious as to why more good cops don’t do interviews and get out there being vocal about the urgent

Exactly, thank you! Where are all those s0-called good cops everyone keeps talking about? Surely if they are so good they would be out writing articles, doing interviews and protesting to get these bad cops thrown in jail and/or off the force.

Ahhh it’s happening. The pro eight wing Israeli government trolls have found this thread! Everybody duck!

I actually am considering writing a letter to her management team because they have really done her wrong. This was meant to be Katy’s YEAR. She had a record breaking performance at the superbowl off the back of a wonderously succesful album. This 2014-2015 Lady Gaga fell off, Nicki Minaj fell off and Beyonce and