
Don't forget that the 1 in a million times that a historical person of colour role comes along Hollywood says fuck it and gets a white person to play it anyway. See

Marianne Pearl, 21, Starship Troopers, Hunger Games, Avatar, Prince of Persia, Star Trek, Beautiful mind. There are so many more. Heck even the song

Weird and sad. It doesn't even look right she looks so out of place with the other covers. Why on earth has her gorgeous skin been black and whited? Who the hell looked at this and approved it? so many questions

Oh dear, I also loved 7 of 9's sexiness especially as it fit in with the diversity of female characters. Her character on the show seemed to be sexy for herself and not for others. I dunno, I'm not sure if I'm articulate to explain this but it was like she knew being that sexy would give her unwarranted attention but

Yes I loved them both, in particular B'Elana. I really related to the way she spoke about what it means to black (ahem klingon) and wasn't afraid to speak truths either. In particular I remember her being very outspoken with her boyf on issues of species. She didn't let him brush it under the carpet and rightfully

Whaaat. I have so many positive memories of Voyager. To be fair, when the series was on I was about 9-12 years old so I probably wouldn't have noticed any of the issues you brought up. I remember her character being quite cold but the more you got to know her the more you got to understand why. I'm gonna rewatch it!

Star trek Voyager - Captain Janeway was everything

This poster has done this type of thing on other race related threads, see the beyonce nasa story. Eventually me and another commenter just decided to bow out like u did.

I actually forgot that kiernan means littke black one. Euggjgghghghghg thats awfull

Whats workinv hard got to do with anything. Not every persons great body is the resukt of hard work. Most women in my famiky have a naturally big ass and small waiste. It woukd be disingenuous for us to imply it was the resukt of doing somethibg extra ordinary that others werent doing.

Not just butt implants. Theres a thing called brazilian butt lift which is super popular. They lipo all the spare fat out of ur stomach back and thighs and reinject it into ur ass.

Yeah after reading this all I could think was backtrack backtrack backtrack. Hasnt she been throwing shade on other female and black artists for the past year now? I reckon her pr people told her to cool it tbh

In defence of beyonce back in those days there was almost no makeup for black people, everyones skin looked whack espexislly if ur light skinned cause ur in between. I do think her parenrs always made sure she looked the best though, hel she was the only one allowed to have a funky name. Both kellendria and tetrina

In defence of beyonce back in those days there was almost no makeup for black people, everyones skin looked whack espexislly if ur light skinned cause ur in between. I do think her parenrs always made sure she looked the best though, hel she was the only one allowed to have a funky name. Both kellendria and tetrina

Redacted because I told myself I wouldn't engage n e more despite my feelings

A recent article on xojane referenced memoirs of slaves wherin a female slave said that the white mistress of the house would take a needle and thread and sew their lips onto her apron and walk around the house with that slaves lips sewn on there all day. E7ghghghgh. We're so used to consuming the whitewashed

That was the most shocking part of the article tbh!

Im actually not going to engage anymore, some people cant be reasoned with. Before this kenny g thing even came out I said in a previous post, its just because shes beyonce and black if this was a white artist there would be no where near as much outrage. Well colour me shocked we present kenny g and suddenly the

Im actually not going to engage anymore, some people cant be reasoned with. Before this kenny g thing even came out I said in a previous post, its just because shes beyonce and black if this was a white artist there would be no where near as much outrage. Well colour me shocked we present kenny g and suddenly the

Oh please can we just end this charrade. U keep setting standards and parameters and everytime we meet them u move the goal posts. The story of a black persons life to be honest. And people wonder why so many black people gravitate towards sports like running. Its cause its the only fucking competition where winning

Redacted. The album is from 1999 although was selling well into 2002