Well now your changing the rules
Well now your changing the rules
Ahem...I present thee Kenny G with challenger samples on one of his tracks. His album went triple platinum http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faith:_A_… I don't remember any NASA announcements about this.
The news isn't commercial exploitation. It's the news.
Is there in any way, in any reality that Beyonce could sample tradegies a la Kenny G or use a 30 yr old disaster as her album cover a la Led Zeppelin and only receive the same level of critism that either Led Zeppelin or Kenny G faced (ie very little)?
Hummm, well, there does seem to be a pattern doesn't there. Certain people doing things and automatically being given benefit of the doubt and assumed the best. Beyonce doing it and being called the worst.
Whilst I don't beleive your one of them there are many people saying. If any artist ever did anything like this I…
I just have to add a comment from someone below in the greys that I think complements your original post quite well
Ooooh chile. Don't go dropping them truth bombs, you might give these people heart attacks. My Prediction: Now we've found out a white guy's already done it everyone's gonna say its ok.
yes a commenter above showed that Led Zepplin album cover with a picture of the disaster.
I got criticized for saying this before but I really truly believe a lot of the critizism is because its Beyonce.
A seperate but related issue. I used to be completely against surgically enhanced vulvas, then I saw a documentary about them and discovered there are some women out there with really unique vulva's like as in REALLY UNIQUE.
Anyway, they were still beautiful but woe betide me and my average vulva if I ever shame any…
Your comparing my critique of beyonce critique to these trivial teenage cases, that just makes it even worse imo. I'm sorry for twisting your words btw. As a black girl teachers telling me what I think is racist isn't actually racist and that I'm harming the cause by speaking up is very raw. No ill intent at all.
yes especially given his grandaddy's political direction
I'm really confused by your comments. We seem to agree on many things but at the same time your saying you think i'm wrong especially in your last comment. I think what you've described is alot of weight to have on a kids shoulders. I'm just trying to imagine being a kid in your classroom and being told that I better…
All of this, its like everyday peeps find a knew thing to drag Beyonce down for and when one thing gets rebuffed they move onto the next.
Sorry but is anyone talking about how disrespectfull all the overly sensationalist discovery channel shows and movies about the challanger disaster are? probably not. Meanwhile Beyonce is being dragged over the coals over a 10 second clip which she has stated she intended to be respectfull and symbolic.
There are…
Yeah the song actually sounds like a really beautiful tale of love and loss and totally respectful. The opening line is "your love is bright at ever, even in the shadows" for crying out loud!!! At the back of my mind I always remember there is nothing, NOTHING black people can do that will ever be good enough unless…
Damn, the UK keeps slaying dem with these laws. Very happy about this.
Raquel Welch at 73!!!!!
Insane orrrrrr exciting? For real I would love to go on an eating tour of the US. starting with Texas and working my way round from there.
Yes I agree on the names thing and the article was overall scarce on data, it was kind of just a fluff peice