
haha, its fine! its the internet! Btw the girls I know are former friends and are not looking for jobs but are high society girls. They have been positioned very well in terms of money and contacts but have not been launched into Paris society in the way that they should be due to their weight. Their parents are

ummmm - whats being white got to do with it I'm not white Im actually an african immigrant, some of my family emigrated to france hence why I have french family. I'm really sorry I think it was just a misunderstanding in the comment stream. I shoulnt have used the word naive, its actually quite patronizing and for

excuse me - I was not assaulting you merely having an internet conversation. My apologies.

Yes as I read the article this is what crossed my mind too.

I have french family and know two French girls. Both of them had friends boyfriends and family members constantly pressure them, ostracize them and make constant comments regarding their weight. I think its a bit naive to deny the social pressure of being skinny in France.

Whenever I see things like this about the US it genuinely makes me sad. Its like no matter how much money the US has its never enough to truly support its people.

For the same reason we don't know about any black scientists or any black inventors or any black emperors. We have a racist education system y'all.

this is a great point. MRA's very rarely focus on issues that affect black people even though black males are some of the more disenfranchised group of men in the country

PREACH! Many African aristocrats and/or their children also resided in England. They went to the posh schools such as Eton and Cheltnam and fine Universities so I see no reason why they can't be integrated into these high society historical dramas too.

you know Ive just gone back and watched all the videos. Beyonce got a song for each of her different type of haters, have you seen jealous?

Don't forget conventionally unnatractive. Theres nothing the masses love more than a conventionally unnatractive sassy black woman

huh!? thats your takeaway from all this - please don't bring up race

I was late for work today trying to watch all the videos!

ive noticed alot of not-true kanye statements have come to the press recently

LOL! You got me cracking up at work.

its weird and sad. Kim totally hitched herself to the wrong wagon RE:Kanye. Sometimes I think if I was rich and beautifull everything would be better in my life, then I look at the Kardashians and I'm like naaaah I'm aight

yeah why aren't there any feminist critiques of lada gaga running around with a known child predator?

PREACH! I didn't even know that!

and......people lambast black women constantly for not getting married and having children out of wedlock yet when a black woman wears her marriage with pride the same people get all upset