
suuuuch a tryhard. And I don't know how well everyone knows the british class system but she is a tyyyyyypical private school girl. Or maybe I'm just bitter because she can sing and I can't!!

That was actually really heart wrenching for me. We hear the stories of WWII, Slavery, the Holocaust but its hard to actually feel it, like feel how it would be if it were us you know.

First Cousins?? thats not incest!!

Nothing makes less sense than this stupid quote and the fact he said this means he doesnt even quite understand his own show, it had been long established that the doctor can regenerate as anything with any eye colour, hair colour, height and personality, I don't think ditching a Y chromosome in favour of an X is

privaliged white male alert lolololol. We aren't here to teach you racism/sexism and media representation 101. Go look it up yourself

Im so happy its him, great to see an obviously latin man with an accent in front and center stage. oh and obvs hes gawjuss

The secret of that covers all your wrinkles

I know, whats eerie is how much they sound like Ariel Castro

Also its easy to idolise King now that he is no longer with us but when he was alive he was arrested many times and considered a domestic terrorist as @Queen_Platypus says. there are many living Civil Rights Leaders around today active in taking a peaceful stance against racism act yet they are not respected at all

Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. People HATE acknowledging racism, even if its blindingly obvious like someone chasing down and shooting a teenager or hosting slave parties and using the N word (ahem Zimmerman & Paula Deen).

If anything the Zimmerman case has shown people hate acknowledging racism more than

Here is an NPR discussion on it.

“17% of cardiac surgeons are women, 17% of tenured professors are women. It just goes on and on. And isn’t that strange that that’s also the percentage of women in crowd scenes in movies? What if we’re actually training people to see that ratio as normal so that when you’re an adult,

Thats exactly what I thought. He sounds exactly like Charles Saatchi

From calling them out on not being virgins to claiming they wanted it, everything he is saying is in line with mainstream rhetoric about rape. The similarities are actually quite disturbing!

I looooove her, she is amazing and beautiful although as my little sister said she is one facial plastic surgery away from looking inhuman and since then I can't get it out of my head

Now playing

Ok, Amateur sleuth here. She lost her other son to some type of violence. He tried to ambush some kids with a knife and ended up getting stabbed himself. She lost custody of her daughter (the one making the claims). There is actually audio recording of the mother calling her daughter the night of the shooting asking

Whenever people say "edgy" what they actually mean is mimiking black pop culture....from like 3 years ago

its on yahoo

I get the feeling from Jezebel that public breastfeeding is a huge taboo in america, isnt it still illegal in some places? Heck even in uber conservitive muslim country in nigeria all my aunts and cousins whip out their boobs in public to feed their babies.

It is indeed part of the point, if you fail to see that I can't help you

I love taking selfies just for me (and maybe my friends). With modern camera phones we can at last be in charge of our image and the way we look instead of the the person holding the camera.