
its the most ridiculous comparison. What percentage of the world are coal miners and what percentage of the world are mums!?

Her entire article sounds like Satire

Yup apparently people dislike minorities more than they love money

Its not just about men being better than women. There are many sports where women kick mens ass e.g. Rhythmic Gymnastics and synchronised swimming. Another problem is sports that women's bodies are naturally apt to are taken waaaaaaaay less seriously than those that male bodies are apt to. I mean most conventional

And this is how you do it people!

BBC did a documentary on this a while ago. Long story short, yes, if you have the financial means both you and your partner should get the vaccine

I'm starting to notice a common theme of white singers using extreme stereotypes of black/latino people in the background of their video's in some attempt to sprinkle credibility or coolness into what their doing. Its soooo inauthentic

In the UK, in areas heavily populated by people of asian descent such a Leicester clinics will not tell parents the gender of the baby.

Yupppp, plus orgasm is the ultimate pain relief, its better than any pain killer

Criticising Israel is not the same as criticising Jews just like criticising England is not the same and criticising the Church of England Religion!!!!!

Its a common trope isn't it, put together women who know their beauty and their worth get their boyf's stolen away from them by "pretty but I don't know it" outdoorsy girls.

I'm going to tweet #EzekielGilbert to high heaven

The worst thing that teen movies have done for society is teach us that nerd boys are kind, progressive, shy and caring and done up pretty girls are vapid, stupid, less than and unworthy. I've relearned from real life that this isn't even almost true!!

I didn't realise being on the side of ending the trivialisation of rape and the re-victimisation of victims by laughing at them was a only a "feminist stance"

Back in the day you used to hear alot of jokes about lynching, but we all decided it was wrong and we had to stop. Prayfully one day humanity will reach the same consensus about rape jokes that trivialise and re victimise victims

Ok I would actually do this. When I went on holiday to New York I was too intimitaded to go beyond my guidebook and didn't find any of the awsome places I see on girls

This article has literally changed my life. I haven't felt comfortable with my cleavage in forever, I have 32D boobs and have worn a minimiser bra every single day for about 7 years. I'm only realising now how much of a deeper problem I have and how comments when I was a teen have affected me. Woohoo Im gonna buy a

Yes, when you factor in the ethnic diversity in the US its actually astounding how alike all the Miss USA contestants look.

yes its amazing how despite their different ethnic backgrounds they all managed to look identical

Forgive me for not giving too hoots about yet another white looking black woman in the industry. The only time you see dark skinned black women in entertainment is if they are fat, a maid or both.