Random sidenote: The style has gone seriously downhill this season
Random sidenote: The style has gone seriously downhill this season
Monae's rap at the end is so powerfull
Bleh, young women have been wearing their hijabs this way for as long as i can remember. There is noooo story here, plus u don't need a bumpit u can just put your hair in a pony or a bun.
kiels SPF50 suncream. Its the best. They have a body cream and a face cream. I just buy the body cream and use it on my face cause u get more product for your moneys. its 25 pounds
how has no one mentioned megan winning the advertising prize
I thought Urine came out of the clitoris till I was too too old. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who got it wrong
This isn't fair, some people (most people) disproportionately store most their fat in one specific area despite being healthy, of a low body fat and slim. Just check out Olympic gold medal swimmer leisel jones. Fit and healthy as hell, still has a jiggly stomach
Too urban to touch. You mean once you've been with a black man you become untouchable. What the Actuall Fuck?
Im so sick of people ragging on Black women when they dye their hair blonde especially beyonce cause if you look at pictures of her from when she was young she naturally has lightish hair. So only white women are allowed to hit the bottle????
From a muslim feminist perspective this whole thing is just weird. Think about how you would feel or react if some topless Ukranian ladies started protesting the ill treatment of American women rape victims by protesting topless outside american embassies and told you American women couldn't speak for themselves…
Calling someone not PC is the PC way of saying complete asshole
The reason why he doesn't understand is because he hasn't had your experience. People form their opinions from the heart not from logic. Once you share some of your personal experiences with him (harrasment, sexual assault, rape, slut shaming, bullying, never learning about important women in school, etc etc) I'm sure…
omg me too. Against all odds my mum got her high school education university degree and post graduate diploma whilst I was a kid.
Qualified Sanitary Engineer here. Even if there are the same numbers of men and women under the law women need twice as many toilets as men (cause they use it more, cause they use it longer). The lack of toilets for women is a serious human rights issue all over the world. Your company is totally in the wrong.
Its weird noone minces about age when it comes to underage driving or underage drinking but when it comes to statutory rape people always blur the lines
First Apartment 23 and now Enlightened. Maybe if the jezebel writers spoke about these shows half as much a they wrote about Girls.... justsaying
Sex you regret is when you hook up with someone then their going down on you and its just a bit shit, your mind wonders and you start thinking about your laundry and your like oh fuck this is rubbish i regret having sex with this person. Its not crying, fear, intimidation or pain.
Its weird how people can't see a stalker, abuser and sexual predator when he's standing right in front of them. No one ever notices till its too late!!!!
I really counldn;t guess anyones sexual orientation either way but i truly dont beleive any of his relationships are real. He always dates some lesser famous stereotypical beauty who you never see him be intimate with and has a lot to gain from being with him