Yes totally. Am i the only one who doesn't think any of his relationships are real!?
Yes totally. Am i the only one who doesn't think any of his relationships are real!?
On the one hand I agree with you I want her to live her life and be happy. On the other hand being a princess is literally her job and our taxes pay her salary, I think we have some right to complain if she's not doing that job well.
Race doesn't exist. The truth is all the different people from all over the world have their own specific and detailed cultural heritage. Race just tells you what category society is going to put you in. If all the models appear white even if they aren't it is just as damaging to the wider public's social…
Ummmm, so when it comes to thinness height and youth, omg the contrast the lighting the proportions the flexibility. However somehow skin colour can be tossed out the window despite the fact that most clothes colours look better on darker skins than lighter skins.
So let me get this right. Its ok for the models to be way way way taller, younger and thinner than the average customer but god forbid they have a different skin tone or different shaped noses and suddenly these people can't "relate" and buy the clothes n e more.
Race is a social construct it doesn't actually exist. Its really more about the way people see you and not who you are or how you see yourself. If you are black but appear white (eg Maya Rudolph, rashida jones) you get to access all the perks of being white like staring in your own blockbuster movies.
In the UK Scientology is legally not allowed to be classified a religion and is instead an organisation.
meee toooo. Its worse and I have literally puked when I eat something sugar based so jam, cereal, porridge, pancakes basically most conventional breakfasts.
In the last twenty years or so company profits have gone up CEO pay has skyrocketed and average worker pay has increased by really not much. I'm sure these companies can find the money from somewhere.
Paleo is just Atkins for men
I just think its important to iterate that these bad and negligent breeders are not "rogue" but representative of a fundamental problem in the dog show/dog lovers world.
I always find it so weird when a problem is highlighted within a specific group of people people always scream "they're not all bad, they could have shown some good ones" yeah we know we know, not all breeders are the spawn of the devil but the documentary highlights these "bad breeders" are not rogue individuals but…
Sorry, yes I agree not all breeders are evil, the doc also showed a couple of great breeders who were fighting against and trying to stop the cruel breeders. I just think its important to iterate that these bad and negligent breeders are not "rogue" but representative of a fundamental problem in the dog show/dog…
I am not an animal person and I used to not give a shit until I watched Pedigree dogs Exposed + Pedegree Dogs exposed three years on (its a bbc dog but can easily be found on Youtube). The shit they do to those dogs will haunt you the breeders really are evil
To be honest if you added up all these so called tips on how not to get molested or raped u would be sitting at home in a hijjab with a chastity belt on and only allowed out of the house with a male family escort, and you only have to look at muslim countries (im from one) to see that even those women get sexually…
The thing people forget about rappers or musicians in general is they are not real. Alot of them have been to stage school and spent years perfecting their image/brand/art etc. Jay z is not a real person, he is just an entertainer like Al Pachino or Brad Pitt in their movies. He adopts a fake name and puts on an act…
I really wish directors would listen more to the fans. Didn't they see what a success taking advice from fans made of snakes on a plane