
So you've got nothing. Got it.

Go on, be specific. They're for lower taxes on the rich? Smaller federal government? What, exactly?

What, was gay marriage mandatory back then? They've pretty clearly moved quite a bit to the left.

the Dems will continue to tack rightward i

Lieberman and Warren agree on a heck of a lot more than, say, Mark Kirk, Paul, and Buchanan. L&W disagree about just to what extent they want. K/P/B disagree about almost everything, forming an ideological triangle

Yeah, that's really a new thing

ultimately I feel the prequels failings rest more on script problems than any slavish devotion to CGI.

I was going to say "it's not like LOTR was done on the cheap," but looking it up, it is true that they spent almost twice as much money on the Hobbit films. Interesting.

This reminded me of the only thing I remember from Blankman: "Why don't you shoot him in the head?" asked about a guy shooting a person who was not completely armored…

Missing the angst over inventing a female physicist to steal Einstein's glory. Imagine the butthurt here if someone made an episode that erased Madam Curie from history and made her husband the sole revolutionary.

Ok, what's the barrier? And who are the women being stopped? Be specific, so I know they exist.

And you think the people asking him this were women with worthy shows that he turned down because of sexism? Or were they also the unaffected?

Trying to placate the SJWs is always a bad idea. Just say "ok. Goodbye"

And Watergate didn't affect the presidential election.

What's the right-wing version of a Moby?

they focus more on her "scandals," perhaps out of some perceived journalistic balance

Oh, and not only are you wrong about the visa fraud thing, in order for them to not be living here as criminals they also have to be not working but somehow surviving. So we're talking about children who did not bring themselves across and unemployed illegals living off charity

If they come in by any legal means at all such as through an airport or through a border checkpoint and then just overstay, it's not a crime

It's always amusing to see the Trump supporters described as the angry ones.