
Chicago still, at least as of earlier this year, has no gun stores. So no, that has nothing to do with it.

Yes, they dropped dramatically in Chicago, too, even though they're up over the past two years

You think they weren't also targeting the young? Not to mention males?

When I would teach undergrad poli sci courses, my students would always get into a discussion at the end of the semester as to whether I myself was liberal or conservative

I'm just saying, be better with your insulting descriptions. He's a buffoon. A scumbag. An asshole. A twit. A jackass. A horrible presidential candidate.

Do I really have to spell out "not one who could win office NOW? FFS

Stupid? For 30 years you've watched a guy on tv who is stupid? And he's not hot enough to get on tv, and not connected enough, but he gets on tv for 30 years. And he's stupid.

Yeah, you have to be literally retarded to write that and not be a lying sack of shit or insane

Meanwhile, you have every Democrat-nominated SCOTUS Justice on the Court voted for nomination by a KKK member. RACIST!!!!!

David Duke was a GOP candidate 20 years ago

If you ignore the episodes you ignored, like Douche and Turd, and the truther episode

How many times was that wolf's name even mentioned in the show?

As to the last episode, I was beginning to think it would not have an ending, but just stop.

As to the last episode, I was beginning to think it would not have an ending, but just stop.

You're not from 2019

You're not from 2019

Yeah, you are that person you think you aren't who automatically cries "that's sexist!"

Yeah, you are that person you think you aren't who automatically cries "that's sexist!"

Given that truth is not a defense, I do not think this is an accurate representation of the Canadian situation

No, then you need to actually shoot them. (edit: or at least try to)