
Since literally the whole insane part is the claim about it explaining homophobia, you might as well have been babbling about the flying spaghetti monster.

reference fail

(except for the latent misogyny at the heart of homophobia)

Why? Jon doesn't want the 7 kingdoms. Seems like a reasonable trade. No war, he gets his relatively modest desires, and she gets the majority of the continent

I had been assuming since the end of ADWD that she was restored by the dragons somehow and that she wasn't sick, she just had a massive period. But I don't even remember how the show treated that.

I suspect she's really pregnant, but won't go to term).

the doctor's face when he asked him what kind of female

Second worst episode off the series, Midnight.

Laughed hard at "I once saw him ask out a breastfeeding mother"

read your own post. You were the one talking about non-sexual/romantic love.

again, no one ever says they fell in love with their brother. It's not "the most uncharitable interpretation." It's the only one.

I was wondering if it was equal to the solar radiation hitting the Earth, but that's still 3 orders of magnitude off.

At the very least Tuvok's character doesn't work without ToS.

So they passed up a confused erection joke

The psychological incest taboo develops through family exposure in childhood.

She's clearly talking about romantic love, which includes a sexual component. You don't "fall in love" with your brother or your parents or your children.

Team Flash are idiots

It's not, I assume, entrapment legally, but it would get you in a fuckload of trouble if you admitted to doing it.

she is one person.

I'm unclear on how he gets to be the person who does that. Does he admit to the entrapment?