
Kind of. Pretty much, I guess

You'd have to convince the person controlling the trust, whom the father would have appointed, that the father was senile when he clearly wasn't. Good luck with that.

Chuck's plan destroyed a company and god knows how many completely innocent people's lives. That doesn't mean he's worse than Axe, but it's still reprehensible.

And why does Bryan feel Taylor has an issue in the soul??? Did she kill a child, in a scene I missed?

Feelings about your father controlling your trust tend to change after the old man dies, I understand.

naked short selling, which is basically what he described, is now illegal

Well, you "borrow" the shares, sell them immediately declaring your short. Pretty sure you can buy them back whenever, although if the stock price goes up instead of down, you're going to have to keep paying more money to cover margin calls. And you're paying interest on borrowing the shares, not that it's a big issue

The reviewer really thinks that this is the best Doctor Who can do? An A?

Like Prax looking into the creature's eyes as it descended upon him and admitting later that it wasnt his daughter, in self- defeat.

"I threw better orgies when I was 10"

Why was him sacrificing himself the right thing to do? He, unlike the rest of the passengers, had earned his spot on the ship

And they sure as shit didn't have a problem hunting down all the horses in America and eating them in the past.

I can't believe she didn't shoot him as soon as she had the chance. And then after that. and then after that.

fascist tendencies that have become the norm in U.S. foreign policy

I'm just not sure why they would do that. Is it really worth screwing your story for that? It's not like this was South Park where Hillary was actually the character supposed to win.

yeah, we haven't had enough ludicrous "Trump is a nazi" stuff in the past year. Really needed that

Not required to, but some conservatives would still freak out if you didn't do so


"you're a pussy who's in love with a sloth that's currently a rat"

And can we discuss that headshot in the penultimate episode of season two? I did not see that coming.