
More seriously, she had no motive to betray her. Ok, maybe she wouldn't actually help her escape, that would take effort, but to try to kill her when it serves none of her goals?

I am sad that this was not recognized.

So was I missing something, or was no one inside the station wearing bullet-proof vests?

Yeah, that's one of my favorite "randomly grabbed things used as a weapon" ever

The pilot made it seem like it was going to be "Roadhouse the Series" (which really should be a thing), but it hasn't really turned out that way.

Ludicrous gibs!

It wasn't a show they thought would be worth reviewing when it started. Which says bad things about their judgment.

Does that count as a superpower? I think I have a friend who has that one

I'm so confused at how so many people in those threads don't seem to understand that Gotham takes place in the past.

Reincarnated hawk priestesses are a core part of the show, as are people fusing together and shooting fire out of their hands and such. I'll suspend my disbelief for that just like, say, I'm willing to accept that there are people called "jedis" and "sith" who can use a magical power called "the Force"

What I find weirder is Doctor Who, where once or twice race is an issue, and then you get things like 18th century black French noblewomen

Yeah, I kept ctrl+f "canada" and "lush" and "verdant" and such but didn't apear

Yes, he seems remarkably well adjusted

Bugged the shit out of me when it happened.

Don't forget the international possibilities.

OTOH, if someone had medicine that actually worked in 1870, that's a big fucking deal.

If you make out with someone hot, you then share an immortal life bond.

So no one's pointed out that Palmer Mirandized the guy when he caught him? Because that was great

Also shout- outs to Sara that surprisingly beat Mick in a drinking contest, that was hilarious.