
Or how about some bulletproof vests they could wear under their clothes for the shootout?

I was going to say that Twain didn't write about time travel, but he did.

Again, it's not about being good or bad, it's about the fact that the writers literally create the show, so whatever they write is correct. They could retcon a PB&J sandwich to be the main character, and as awful as that would be, that would be what the show was about.

Am I the only one who thought that "how could I ever think less of you" was… poorly phrased?

And? That was not disagreeing with me, at all

Really, it betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of who this story is really about.

Which the reviewer apparently didn't watch, given his comment about Morty not being in the episode

Hey gonorrhea, how's this for a burning sensation!

"scary coitus"

Have you forgotten how he couldn't get drunk?

I mean, why is he not faster than past Flash, given all the "getting faster" that's been going on

Why did the tranquilizer affect him for more than like 2 minutes?

Yeah, and he's faster than the speed of sound, so…

lol@ him saying he belongs to a bloodline that predates history. Yeah, you and every other living animal.

Is that really a thing?

What was that, "some braindead suck-wad who tried to rob a library"?

"she hasn't cashed her last few paychecks"


I really don't think Patriots fans give a shit about the Cowboys

I really don't think Patriots fans give a shit about the Cowboys