
And yes, as the XKCD points out, you couldn't possibly be killed by neutrinos before being evaporated by a supernova

as xkcd points out, you can be killed by neutrinos if there's enough of them

I would be totally ok with a "Ray, you're the worst" running joke completely ripping off Community

Except his "science" is disastrously wrong.

I mean, I'm a hard science fiction fan, and I'm still agreeing with this post, even though they should have chosen a different name

if even one gets into your lungs it's guaranteed cancer.

And then he activates the 1 megaton fusion bomb. Yeah, those are some very loyal goons

It is like $4 million in 2015 dollars, for the record.

yeah, that just doesn't work here

As a non-disco lover who wasn't sure when it came out, it even felt jarring to me.

[time masters HQ]: fucking hell, how did syphilis wind up in 8th century China?

It would either be great or awful, and I really can't guess which way it would go

Hell, he owns the dagger that can kill him? Instead of, say, melting it to scrap? That's arrogance.

"We pick up 13th century Chinese children who would have been killed by the Mongols, and in exchange for their lives, they spend their days making us period outfits"

I just want to say that I love this whole comment thread

They literally said "they're not hieroglyphics" "they're a lost language"

And he's got some seriously loyal goons

How did it not occur to her to help?

Seriously, was not expecting him to be a representative of what should be, sort of, the good guys