
A guy who looks like that does not have that motorcycle

That was my favorite landmine defusing scene ever

His cock also rages on.

watched the first 1.5 episodes with my 7 year old and she was entranced. So that's at least a B+ from her, and a B- from me.

Ok, completely OT, but I've been wondering what girls and gay men think of guys who are otherwise hot but have a lot of scars like this

There can be a second Penguin

Why? Are you some sort of sexist?

Martinez dying. He just got "stabbed" through the throat. Unless he bled out or drowned in his own blood, there are no vital organs thereā€¦

I can't tell if the machine gun scene made me laugh in the right or wrong way

I have to upvote any comment that mentions The Cape in any context.

Seriously, why can anyone just waltz into Star Labs without anyone even being aware that they're coming?

well, yes, that's why it's so ridiculous.

So are they really locking them in cells with no beds, no toilets, no furniture at all?

His cock rages on

"20,000 kiloamps? That's more power than they give to inmates in the electric chair"

She told him it was "highly distilled." They clearly meant to imply 6 times stronger then regular liquor. Which is kind of underwhelming, as he drank more than six shots in a couple of seconds before with no effect

I can't believe how far down in the thread this post is.

And you weren't recording Minority Report after? Why ever not?

Who would have the power to fly and never use it? Seriously, writers?

Meh, he probably just wanted to see her in it