
And are they legally prohibited from actually saying "Superman"?

IIRC, the prequels had good trailers, too. Not getting taken in this time.

"apart" does not mean "a part"

Well, at least you have plenty of time to post here and at Bloomberg

You think people aren't generally aware that one of the top movie franchises in existence is having its last movie coming out?

Um, aside from the fact that his family ran a Mexican restaurant?

3 hours of commuting a day? Life: you're doing something wrong

It's 2015. Get a DVR

This show was doomed as soon as they let Kring run it. It's not a surprise.

I don't know why, but that line killed me

fuck this show's shakey-cam

So next time you're there, say "he's just a crazy man in a dress" and see how it goes.

Yeah, certainly Duke wouldn't SJW a bunch of innocent white males out of the school

and now we have the progressive equivalent of creepy, glassy eyed fundie kids and it is awful

If you wore a racially charged shirt and said it was ok because a black guy made it for you, would that really make it ok?

Man, you're an idiot. He wore a shirt with scantily clad women, so I can't go into rocket science!

the idea that 1999 was the sensitivity stone age just struck me as funny.

So to recap: in 1999, saying something like "retarded people are being punished for their sins" got you in trouble, while in 2015, saying "retarded people aren't being punished for their sins" gets you in trouble, and you think there isn't a big change in how… retarded the SJWs act

I don't know, I think we might be at the point where the euphemism treadmill of the Left might leave the Right behind still using words like "retarded"

The idea that social justice of the 2000s is indistinguishable from that of the 60s/70s ignores the very arguments of social justice itself.