
But so what? Caitlin Jenner is a man pretending to be a woman, so I don't call him "her"

There is no place for differing opinions.

More relevantly, people are going to conclude you're a fool for calling caitlyn jenner "she," but you're not going to stop doing it.

Ever since the Republican Party discovered the Internet, you'll find right-wing trolls anywhere with a comment section.

And in my experience it's more likely to be commenters ripping a TV Club writer for saying something too 'liberal' rather than the other way around,

True in 88, true now.

Aside from no longer calling anyone "un-PC," how does that shut down debate?

Potential (true) headline for the US: Tubal ligations free for women, vasectomies not free.

the members of the alleged "PC police" are generally from groups that are objectively disenfranchised

Oh, so you're going to decide what's "asinine" and censor those people?

That's… deeply stupid, accepting your account as what the link says.

At least their heart is in the right place

I teach sociology and students expect a little controversy

Er… no, not unless he shoots her after saying that. She can keep raising her hand.

Another quick search sees no uses of "retarded" that aren't quotes since 2007

Conservatives are free to say anti-PC shit on Fox News

And I don't see anyone shutting Donald Trump out of the conversation just because he is not PC. Yes, NBC tried but the point is it didn't work. This

"Kyle was not the mouth-piece for the shows writers in this episode"

I still haven't seen the first 8 or so

But his teenage clone had grey hair…