
It bored her.

It's crazy how dumbed down Sesame Street has gotten since early last decade. My daughter outgrew it before turning two. Sad state of affairs.

Yes, I knew the moment they gave her that screen time at the start of the episode that she was done that night.

Well no shit, both media outlets called "Fox" are part of Fox. But it's as stupid as saying that CNBC must be a leftist news outlet because MSNBC. Even the local news on Fox stations that did news was frequently left-leaning in the past (that may have changed now, I know they source more from Fox News now)

last week I did make the interesting connection that the show *is* broadcast on Fox, a notoriously pro Republican white guy network.

Yeah, perfect example of sharply diminishing returns.

Dick Pole, while we're there.

Chuck? I'm unsure how many P&R is up to.

So, you wait all that time to destroy the painting why, exactly?

I give you fiber supplements. I give you Bengay! And this is the way you repay me?

what the fuck?

I still can't get over how good this episode was.

Right. The villain is the false accuser. They didn't "coerce" her, she was telling her story for a year to people who wanted to hear it.

Rolling Stone tried to coerce an accuser in a collegiate rape scandal into telling her story, before hanging her out to dry when their methods were questioned and discrepancies alleged.


They just snuck it in, and it was good.

Although not enough attention to note that he left half a paragraph off somehow

We guard what you lick.

That was confusing. It sounded like he wasn't coming in as their boss, but that they were worried he would fire them.
